Official Duck Dynasty Season 4 Uncle Si Robertson photos
We’re less than two weeks away from quack being back in the form of the Duck Dynasty Season 4 premiere, but for those fans unable to make it that long without a dose of their favorite Southern bushy-faced camo-clad sweet tea swillin’ story-teller, here are some brand new official promotional photos of Uncle Si Robertson (and his cup o’ sweet tea) courtesy of A&E. You’re welcome, Jack!
And just in case you missed it, Uncle Si could also be spotted in the amazing photos from Phil Robertson and Miss Kay’s vow renewal ceremony we posted last week. Si appeared to be performing the role of Best Man during the ceremony, which was officiated by Phil’s oldest son (and newest Duck Dynasty cast member) Alan Robertson. Oh, and yes, Uncle Si had his blue cup of sweet tea in hand during the ceremony
Duck Dynasty Season 4 premieres August 14 with an hour-long episode that will include Phil and Miss Kay’s vow renewal.
What’s that? More Uncle Si? Hey! That’s no problem, Jack! Here’s a loooooooong last look at Uncle Si sans the background:
If that’s still not enough Uncle Si for you, then you should probably seek professional help — right after checking out this life-alteringly hilarious clip of Uncle Si starring as Uncle Psy in the music video for “Gangnam Style!” “Heeeeeeeeeey, sexay laydays!”
Photos: Karolina Wojtasik / A&E
(Ceremony photo: Gurney Productions / A&E)
UPDATE – I had to add this image of a patriotic Uncle Si in red whit and blue taken from the official Duck Dynasty Twitter account background!
Uncle Si wants you!