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New Josh Duggar mug shot after conviction, facing up to 20 years in prison

New Josh Duggar mugshot after conviction

We have a new mug shot photo for Josh Duggar. The disgraced 33-year-old former TLC reality star looks a bit disheveled as he cracks a small smile in his latest booking photo.

Josh was convicted of receipt of child pornography and possession of child pornography in an Arkansas courtroom on Thursday. He is currently facing up to 20 years in prison and fines of up to $250,000 for each count.

The guilty verdict came in after the jury deliberated for two days. Josh was immediately taken into custody by US Marshals. He will remain in custody until his sentencing, which is scheduled approximately four months from now. From KNWA:

As Marshals walked Duggar out of the courtoom, he passed directly by his wife in the gallery and paused to speak to her.

He had tears in his eyes as they talked quietly for a brief moment. She appeared to maintain her composure.

Josh was booked into Washington County Jail at approximately 12:07PM.

Josh Duggar Prosecutors’ Statement

Attorneys for the prosecution and defense spoke to the media after the verdict was read. Prosecutor Dustin Roberts clarified that despite Josh being convicted of two charges, he will only sentenced for one of them — receipt of child porn0graphy. “Possession of child p0rnography is a lesser, included offense for receipt of child porn0graphy,” he explained. “So by function of law, you cannot be convicted of both.”

Here is a video of the prosecutor’s press conference after the conclusion of the trial:

Josh Duggar Defense Plans To Appeal

Josh Duggar’s defense attorney, Justin Gelfand, spoke to reporters and assured them that he plans to appeal the verdict. “We very much appreciate the jury’s lengthy deliberation,” he said in his very brief statement. “We respect the jury’s verdict, and we look forward to continuing this fight on appeal. We have no more comment at this time.”

Click here for a summary of the absurd Josh Duggar defense argument.

Many of Josh’s family members were present at one or more days of the trial. From The Sun:

Siblings Jana, Jason, Joy-Anna, her husband Austin Forsyth, Justin, Jessa, Jill and Jill’s husband Derick Dillard, along with father Jim Bob, were all present at some point.

Many of those listed above were also present on Thursday when the verdict was read. The family members were photographed leaving the courthouse by The Sun. The only present member of the Duggar extended family to offer a comment was Kill’s husband, Derick Dillard. “I’m just gonna go back and tell my wife,” he replied when asked for his response to the verdict.

Asa Hawks is a writer and editor for Starcasm. You can contact Asa via Twitter, Facebook, or email at starcasmtips(at)yahoo.com

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