My 600 Lb Life Lacey today: New photos, social media info for the Season 7 breakout star

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My 600 Lb Life‘s Lacey Hodder had one of the most successful weight loss journeys of Season 7, and she’s been keeping her fans updated on the regular since her debut. So how is My 600 Lb Life Lacey today? And how does Lacey Hodder look now? We’ve got a brand-new update on Lacey’s efforts, including new before-and-after pics and updated social media info for one of last season’s breakout stars.

How is My 600 Lb Life Lacey today?

Fortunately for fans of the show and of Lacey’s weight loss journey in particular, it looks like Lacey is doing very well indeed. All of Lacey’s recent updates have been positive ones, and she regularly engages with fans on her social media pages. And the latest photos of Lacey — which we’ll get to in a moment — all show her appearing to have kept off at least the impressive amount of weight she lost in her My 600 Lb Life debut, if not even more.

Though Lacey had one of the most successful results of My 600 Lb Life Season 7, her journey’s success was hardly easy. Dr. Nowzaradan told Lacey her peak weight of 691 pounds made her a “ticking time bomb” upon meeting the then-29-year-old Michigan native. And Lacey made the journey to Houston with her mother, who was also struggling to lose weight; the stress of the pair’s dual goals at times threatened their relationship.

However, Lacey quickly lost enough weight to gain approval for weight loss surgery. By the time she had finished filming her My 600 Lb Life debut, Lacey had dropped 256 pounds, taking her from 691 all the way down to 435 — and giving her a completely new outlook on her life.

That outlook was only reinforced by the warm welcome Lacey received from the My 600 Lb Life fan community following her episode’s premiere. As we wrote in an earlier update on her progress, Lacey found herself overwhelmed by the positive vibes. “I definitely thought there would be a lot more haters,” Lacey said, while thanking her more than 2,000 followers for their support. “I mean don’t get be wrong there are haters, but there are so many of you who are so nice and supportive and it makes my heart melt thinking about it.”

What does Lacey Hodder look like now?

If the first new before-and-after pic didn’t make it clear, Lacey appears to be doing very well indeed! If you need further proof, here’s a since-deleted full-body pic of Lacey out and about with three of her My 600 Lb Life Season 7 cast members. From left to right, the photo captures Maja Radanovic, Lacey, Annjeannette Whaley, and Destinee Lashaee enjoying a girls’ weekend together in Houston this past spring:

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A couple of months after that photo was taken, Lacey offered a quick update on her mental and physical well-being, assuring her followers that her relatively lengthy social media silence wasn’t a sign of things gone wrong.

“I just wanted to check in and let you guys know I’m doing well,” Lacey wrote. “I’ve had some ups and downs on the mental side of things but that’s to be expected. I’m feeling really good…Thank you for your support and helping me stay motivated. You all are inspiring to me and I appreciate the time you take to do so. ????”

In addition, here’s a photo of Lacey with her dog from the very start of autumn…

My 600 Lb Life Lacey today September 14

…and here’s the most recent photo of herself that Lacey has made public, one she shared a few days before Halloween:

My 600 Lb Life Lacey today October 25

Is there a Lacey Hodder reddit? What are her social media pages?

As we mentioned above, Lacey engages frequently with her fans on multiple platforms. As of this writing, there isn’t yet an official Lacey Hodder reddit — but Lacey did just recently launch a new way for interested fans to reach out.

In early October, Lacey announced that she’s launched an official Discord server, specifically as a “safe place” for people to “help each other” get healthy. It doesn’t sound like the group is specifically for people trying to lose weight; if you’ve got something in your life that you know you’d be better off without, you might give Lacey’s server a try. Here’s her full October 8th update explaining its intention:

Hey guys I have been working on a Discord Server with someone special to me. We want to create a safe place where people from all over can come to together and help each other on their journeys to a healthier life. Also for people who are in maintenance. Really anyone who is supportive and just wants people to succeed in everything they do.
I get sooo many messages asking for advice and help. I have such a hard time keeping up with them so i figured maybe if we’re together everyone can help everyone! So if you are interested please join my discord server.

You can check out Lacey Hodder’s Discord server here. If Facebook is more your jam, you’ll find Lacey here; her preferred social media platform is Instagram, where Lacey has earned a ton of praise for her photography, whether it’s of a rural Texas sunset:

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Or the quiet, tempting ramen aisle of a grocery store:

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Or a petunia standing tall against a Ferris wheel at the local fairgrounds:

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Finally, Lacey has yet to confirm whether or not we’ll get a Lacey Hodder Where Are They Now? episode in the coming months. But she did tease the possibility in an exchange with a fan, saying, “I don’t know if I’m allowed to answer that one. ?”

Lacey’s My 600 Lb Life episode is available for streaming on the show’s official site.

(Photo credits: My 600 Lb Life Lacey today via Facebook, Instagram)

John Sharp is Starcasm’s chief editorial correspondent-at-large. Tips: E-mail or Twitter @john_starcasm.

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