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MUG SHOT Florida woman stops traffic to masturbate naked atop a stranger’s Lexus

A Florida woman was arrested this past week for running naked into the street, then mounting a stranger’s Lexus and proceeding to masturbate in full view of traffic.

Orlandoite Amie Carter, 31, is at the center of the Florida woman stops traffic to masturbate story. According to the Orlando Sentinel, Carter jumped onto the Lexus’ hood and stomped it with her feet before “us[ing] her hands to pleasure herself.”

The situation, which some witnesses compared to Cameron Diaz’s infamous car love scene in last year’s Cormac McCarthy-penned The Counselor, began when officers responded to a call about a naked woman around 11:15 PM. They found Carter completely naked and talking on her phone, and also unbothered by the traffic as she walked along in the middle of the street near a busy Orlando intersection.

In the words of the official police report, the arresting officers wrote that Carter “appeared to be under the influence [of] a heavy unknown substance.” And, in maybe the most obvious understatement of the entire police report, the officers added that Carter “appeared in an altered mental state, displaying extremely irrational and volatile behavior.”

That “heavy” substance did not stop her from jumping up and down on the hood of the Lexus, essentially “stomping” on it while its horrified passengers looked on. Carter’s strange tantrum did $1,500 worth of damage, according to the car’s owners.

When officers asked her to come down off of the car, Carter refused — and began kicking at them instead. And that’s when her traffic-stopping masturbation session began.

Eventually, police were able to wrestle Carter to the ground, handcuff her, and wrap her in a blanket. She was booked into the Orange County jail on charges of “criminal mischief” and “exposure of sexual organs.”

No word yet on the drug that so influenced Carter’s behavior -– or on the state of the Lexus.

(Photo credits: Florida woman stops traffic to masturbate via Orange County jail)


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