
LOVE AFTER LOCKUP Michael sentenced for recent drug charge, Sarah shares relationship & pregnancy timeline plus updates

As we were the first to report, Love After Lockup Season 2 star Michael Simmons found himself back behind bars late last year after being charged with felony possession of narcotics (cocaine) on December 6. The charge was for less than 25 grams, but the fact that it was Michael’s potential fourth felony conviction meant that he was facing a rather sizable enhanced sentence.

Luckily for Michael, his attorney was able to swing a plea deal. In exchange for Michael’s guilty plea, the prosecutor was willing to drop the charge from felony possession of cocaine to misdemeanor use of cocaine. According to court records, the plea deal was accepted last week. As a result, Michael was sentenced to 90 days in jail, but that sentence was suspended.

Michael’s wife Sarah Simmons has insisted on social media that Michael is no longer in jail. The Michigan Department of Corrections has updated Michael’s status from “Parolee – Held under custody” to just “Parolee,” which would certainly seem to indicate that he has once again been released on parole. However, the county jail where he was most recently incarcerated does still turn Michael’s name up when you search current inmates.

I am guessing that he has in fact been released. In addition to Sarah’s remarks on social media, the fact that he was given a suspended sentence seven days ago seems like more than enough time for him to be processed and released.

Speaking of Sarah on social media, she continues to defend herself on Twitter, and insists that she and her TWO BABIES will be just fine. Yes, she has confirmed multiple times that she is pregnant again, and she stated on Instagram recently that she is due “any day.” She is unable to share any more information due to her contract, but she says viewers will be seeing her baby bump on the show soon.

Sarah is also unable to talk about her relationship status with Michael, although it is pretty easy to read between the lines of her comments and come to the conclusion that they are not still together as a couple. Even so, Sarah seems fully committed to allowing Michael to remain in their kids’ lives. “At the end of the day we have two children together,” Sarah explained on Instagram. “I want to be civil. I don’t want to be angry forever. I’ve moved on from this bs and I’m doing amazing for ME.”

More from Sarah’s interactions on Twitter:

TWEET: hey so are u still with Michael

SARAH: Let me speak some TRUTH! Michael needs to work on Michael. Michael needs to just be Michael and a father to his two babies. We will always be apart of each others lives. Together or not….

TWEET: Ok that’s good but is he a good dad for the kids

SARAH: I believe he is. And I know he loves them more than anything in this world. We are both not perfect but our babies will always be happy,healthy, and safe ? and will always know that mommy and daddy love them.

TWEET: After everything he did to you, especially publicly, a lot of girls would have taken the kids from him and refused to give him a chance to coparent. It takes a real mom and woman to work out coparenting even after all that. Good for you for putting the kids 1st, Sarah ❤

SARAH: I don’t know who you are but I feel like you speak my thoughts. And it’s nice to know someone understands my truth and where I come from. Right or wrong in the end. Thank you. I just love my babies and I will always have love for their father ??‍♀️

Sarah also responded to those angry at her for getting pregnant so soon after Michael’s initial release:

As far as her relationship with Megan, Sarah says they “don’t get along” at all. “I tried the whole woman respect thing and [it] completely blew up in my face,” Sarah explains, probably referencing their huge Twitter feud. “And she knew about me the whole time,” Sarah adds.

Back on Instagram, Sarah provided a very in-depth timeline of her relationship with Michael, and I think it’s very important so that viewers are aware that they were together for quite a while before his prison sentence featured on the show. Here are some of her interactions with a single commenter, with the non-Sarah comments paraphrased due to readability issues:

COMMENT: Why would Michael go on TV and say that he was with you because he was scared that you might take his daughter away? Why would that cross his mind unless you’ve treated him that way in the past?

SARAH: ??‍♀️ NEVER. It just justified his actions enough for TV .. he knew exactly how to play this show and us women period. How can anyone believe ANYTHING this man says? I’m a great mother. I love my babies and I will forever support their relationship they want or need from their father FOR THEM!!!!!! Not me not him.

COMMENT: That’s good to hear. So we saw what the show wanted us to see — Michael being a jackass, you as a victim, and Megan as a dumb homewrecker. Since we don’t know the whole stories, would you mind clarifying? How long were you and Michael together before you got pregnant and he was sent to prison? How did he meet Megan while in prison? When Michael was released, didn’t you feel like something was off, like there might be someone else in the picture? Why did you let him put the ring on your finger in that scene after he returned from his Niagara Falls trip with Megan? Why would you choose to put yourself out there like this by appearing on the show? Are you concerned that your children will end up hating their father or look at him in a negative way?

SARAH: 1. Michael and I met in 2012. Moved in together a month later. Got pregnant with our first in 2014. Engaged in 2015. And was sent to prison 5 months later.

2. From what I know Megan was introduced to Michael from her boyfriend (Michael’s cousin)

3. I did feel something off but I didn’t know the extent of anything. The more and more I found out and pieced together I took action. However until I watched the show like you I still didn’t even know the extent of it all. It’s hard for me to even comprehend as it’s so awful.

4. I allowed him to put the ring on to see where he was gonna go with it. What you don’t see is me walking off laughing after and me callin him out for his games he was playin with me I was mad af.

5. I went on TV because my “husband” WANTED IT! And I thought I was doing something supportive for my man. Being a good wife. Supporting his “dreams” as he called it.

6. My children can’t be protected from EVERYTHING life is rough… I hope they don’t hate him … but I will not influence their opinions EVER. I can only be here for them and their feelings and hope my love and support is enough.

To see how this unprecedented love triangle story plays out, be sure to tune in to new episodes of Love after Lockup airing Friday nights at 9/8c on WE tv!

Asa Hawks is a writer and editor for Starcasm. You can contact Asa via Twitter, Facebook, or email at starcasmtips(at)yahoo.com

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