LINKS! ‘Covfefe’ was a typo, Claudia Romani bikini photos, Kathy Griffin’s protest art…

Claudia Romani bikini photos

DLISTEDDani Mathers claims she’s had to go into hiding since her body shaming trial

REALITY TEABethenny Frankel is planning her very own “Summer of George”

JEZEBELMost of the millions of Twitter followers that celebrities have appear to be fake–like, for example, 67 million of Katy Perry’s

CELEBITCHY“Covfefe” was a typo…or was it? (Yes, it was)

THE BLEMISHThe Legends Football League lets players celebrate touchdowns by motorboating fans; here’s some video

VOXAnd here’s a primer on political protest art, in case you wanted to know more about the Kathy Griffin kerfuffle

CELEBSLAMAnd here’s that gallery of January Jones swimsuit photos you’ve been looking for

THE SUPERFICIALHave some Claudia Romani bikini photos for good measure

LAINEY GOSSIPRobin Wright and Sean Penn might be back together, though not for the reasons you might expect

(Photo credits: Claudia Romani bikini photos via Instagram)


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