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Jenelle Evans’ mother-in-law reacts to marriage, explains Courtland’s struggles with addiction

Courtland Rogers and Jenelle Evans

Jenelle Evans and Courtland Rogers tied the knot yesterday in a courthouse ceremony after just three months of dating. While the Teen Mom 2 star made it no secret that she wasn’t going to have a very long engagement, fans were shocked to see things happen so quickly for her. Even more shocking was that they did it without any of their close friends or family members and when Courtland’s mom, Holley Rogers, found out about the news, she was a bit disappointed.

Jenelle Evans' mother-in-law Holley Rogers mother of Courtland Rogers

“I can’t say it’s a surprise because they have been talking about it, but I did not know it was going to happen, and I would liked to have been there,” Holley (seen in the photo above) told Celebuzz earlier today. “Hopefully, they will have another ceremony, because I do not know Jenelle very well and would like to spend more time with her.” Holley is understandably upset at being left out of her son’s big day, and what mother wouldn’t be?

Younger Courtland Rogers with his mother Holley RogersIn addition to expressing her disappointment in the couple leaving her out of their celebration, Holly also dropped a bomb about her son’s shady past. According to her, Courtland got hooked on pain pills over 10 years ago. “He got into trouble after he was involved in a car crash and had to have seven surgeries, and he got hooked on Oxycodin to help deal with the pain,” she explains. “He suffered a broken pelvis and crushed foot, and it really set him back in his life. Courtland has had his problems, but he is basically a good person.” Unfortunately, Holly didn’t say much about when he got clean, but Courtland insists that he is not currently using any drugs.

Earlier this morning, rumors that Jenelle’s mother had caught her using heroin and sent her to rehab hit the web which immediately got tongues wagging again about her mysterious hospital stay.

Another thing that Holley revealed about Courtland that we weren’t aware of was that he has been working on and off at a local Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurant. Last night, he revealed he’s been working for a roofer making $700.00 per week. Perhaps he picked up the KFC gig as a side job? Either way, it makes sense that he would work there considering Holley and Courtland’s dad, Keith Rogers (pictured below), are president and vice president at the Southport, North Carolina KFC.

Courtland Rogers and his father, Keith Rogers
^ Courtland Rogers and his dad Keith Rogers

Holley also weighed in on the Jenelle vs. Taylor feud. “Jenelle has spent time with my son’s daughter, Jordan,” Holley said, “but I do not think that she and Taylor really get along. I think Taylor feels threatened by Jenelle, actually.”

Regardless of the quickness of their marriage, Holley hopes that they will get their Happily Ever After, but she doesn’t sound all that convinced that it will happen. “I’m not sure if their marriage will work, but I hope it does,” Holly said. “It is their lives, and they have to make the right decisions in the future.”

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