Jay-Z and Beyonce begin 22-day vegan challenge

Beyonce and Jay Z Vegan Challenge

Jay-Z and Beyonce are saying goodbye to animal products for the next three weeks. In a blog post for Life & Times, Jay explained the goal is ultimately making a habit of plant-based eating.

“Psychologists have said it takes 21 days to make or break a habit. On the 22nd day, you’ve found the way,” Jay said, adding he and Beyonce were going to begin a 22-day vegan challenge on Dec. 3, one day before his 44th birthday. “There’s something spiritual to me about it being my 44th birthday and the serendipity behind the number of days in this challenge; 22 (2+2=4) coupled with the fact that the challenge ends on Christmas day… It just feels right!”

Along with purifying their bodies, Jay said he and Beyonce are looking at it as a “spiritual and physical cleanse.”

“I will post my progress,” Jay said, explaining he didn’t have solid expectation. “I don’t know what happens after Christmas. A semi-vegan, a full plant-based diet? Or just a spiritual and physical challenge? We’ll see…”

Jay credited his friend Marco — who created 22 Days Nutrition — with helping his learn about plant-based diets. He also linked to Marco’s nutrition bars, which are gluten-free, soy-free, dairy-free and organic.

Would you ever do a vegan challenge?

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