Meet Jack Trammell: Democratic aspirant for the House of Representatives, vampire pseudo-expert, steamy romance novelist

Once more, with feeling.
Once more, with feeling.

Jack Trammell is over the moon this week, because he no longer has to face outgoing House Majority Leader Eric Cantor in his bid to represent Virginia’s 7th congressional district. But it turns out that Trammell is over the moon just about every week, because the college professor and oft-published author is a self-proclaimed vampire enthusiast whose plans for a vampire romance novel are on hold because of his Congressional run.

Trammell, whose full-time job as Director of Disability Support Services at Rudolph-Macon College involves neither fangs nor wooden stakes, had this to say when asked by Business Insider about his midnight interests:

Always been interested in the anthropology of the Other — in the case, of disability, two thousand years of being treated as less than human.

An interesting comparison, though perhaps a bit of a reach: vampires, because they are undead, are neither human nor human. They’re really more like high-functioning zombies than anything else. And, of course, there’s also the fact that they aren’t real to consider, while we’re taking into account their disabilities. Non-existence has always been a crippling blow, no matter what cause you’re trying to build up support for.


Trammell during a quieter moment.
Trammell during a quieter moment.


Romance, on the other hand, is a very real thing. Trammell can tell you all about it–or you can read about it for yourself, as explained in his 2001 novel Sarah’s Last Secret. Here are a few deliciously out-of-context teasers to get you warmed up:

This began a chain of events that I can’t help but remember with jealous desire. After the first barrier was broken, we were reckless in our lovemaking. I only had to show up beneath her window at any time of the day or night, and then passions took over.

A few minutes later, we desperately wanted to make love, even in the choral foyer behind the alter [sic] as we impatiently waited for the photograph session to begin, but there were simply too many people around, and we soon had to attend the reception.

The world will not tolerate a man who loves two women, so off into the night I go, banished to hell for my sins.

In the real world, Trammell is prolifically married: he, his wife, and their seven children live on a farm in central Virginia. No word yet on how they till the land.

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