VIDEO Game of Thrones cast sing Happy by Pharrell
The current season of HBO’s drama Game of Thrones, based on the epic fantasy series A Song of Ice and Fire by author George R. R. Martin, recently broke the network’s viewing record previously held by The Sopranos with a fittingly epic and fantastical average gross audience of 18.4 million viewers across all platforms. (The Sopranos‘ best season in 2002 had an average gross audience of 18.2 million viewers per episode.)
Game of Thrones, like its mafia-themed predecessor, is a violent, dark and rather Machiavellian take on humanity and the psychology of power. But, due in part to the medieval landscape of Westeros as opposed to the more civilized and ordered reality of 20th Century America, the characters and events of Game of Thrones are even more violent, darker and more purely Machiavellian. For instance, in the vacuum of power created in the wake of Robert Baratheon’s untimely demise, viewers have seen the deaths of thousands of unnamed soldiers, women, children and Flea Bottom rodents — not to mention the shocking deaths of some of the show’s most popular and/or most hated main characters. (No spoilers here!)
In other words, Westeros is no Magical Kingdom where a happy ending surely awaits those men and women in possession of heroic white hat qualities such as honor, loyalty and respect. In other other words, if you’re looking for justice, as Tyrion famously says, “You’ve come to the wrong place.”
So where am I going with all this? Westeros clearly just needs a little Pharrell!
See, that fixed it! Much better than constantly singing that damned “The Rains of Castamere” song! (I just wish I had created the video sooner when a certain glorious douchebag was still alive.)
And just in case the video wasn’t enough, here are some photos of the Game of Thrones cast singing “Happy” by Pharrell, including Petyr Baelish (Littlefinger), Tywin Lannister, Daenerys Targaryen and Jon Snow! (I’ve already included Tyrion Lannister above.)
Ah what the heck, here are some more:
Be sure to catch new episodes of Game of Thrones on HBO Sunday nights at 9/8c!