Gaga gets heat for tweet about what she doesn’t eat
22,731,504. As I started writing this post that is the incredible number of followers that pop superstar Lady Gaga has on Twitter. For some kind of reference point an article from back in October stated that Australia, as in the entire nation, would reach the 23 million mark in population around July.
This is an incredible platform to reach so many people and the influence that this has can’t nor should be understated. There is a serious connect and adoration that her followers, who call themselves Little Monsters, have for their Mother Monster. With all of this in mind, Gaga has caught some serious heat for a tweet she made on Tuesday.
Here it is:
Folks started tweeting out their anger believing that the message insinuates that to be a star you need to starve yourself. The National Eating Disorders Association replied by tweeting, “Huh? This is the same person who recently implored girls to stop dieting?”
What they’re referring to is an appearance Gaga made at a California high school conference. During this event the singer revealed she struggled with body image issues as a young girl stating that she, “used to throw up all the time in high school.” She explained that the reason she stopped was because the acid was damaging her vocal chords. Her advice:
“The dieting wars have got to stop. Everyone just knock it off. Because at the end of the day, it’s affecting kids your age –and it’s making girls sick.”
Gaga has put herself out there many times defending issues she feels strongly about including LGBT rights and the bullying epidemic. In many ways she’s earned the benefit of the doubt when it comes to her position on people loving themselves for who they are. I mean her calling card is, “I was born this way.”
People has reached out for comment but has received no reply and Gaga has not made any follow up statement in regards to said tweet. She’s only sent out one other message since and it was a back to business type of tweet, “Leaving for Korea in less than a week!!!! Wearing my favorite t shirt today. It might be the raddest ever.”
This actually isn’t the first time GaGa has said expressed the idea that pop stars shouldn’t eat in 2010, she told New York Magazine “Pop stars should not eat.”
Considering all of this, do you have a problem with Gaga tweeting #PopSingersDontEat?