Former high school bully releases “It Gets Worse” PSA

High school bully in a "It Gets Worse" PSA

The “It Gets Better Project” has been one of the more encouraging and enlightening online trends in history.  In response to the tragic suicides of a number of gay teens across America because of bullying thousands of people have submitted videos to let those who are struggling in similar circumstances know that life after high school gets better.  It is my firm belief that this campaign is making a difference and will save lives. 

What hasn’t been exposed however is the other side of the story.  So what happens to the bully from school after his or her glory days have passed them by?  Their story has gone untold until now.   One lone douche-bag voice in the wilderness by the name of Chad O’Donnell has uploaded his own video in which he convincingly declares, “It Gets Worse.”  O’Donnell’s is a cautionary tale of knowing that your best days are behind you and that life for those like him is just a downhill slide after high school. 

Chad was a 3-year starting fullback for Turner High School.  At night he would go to kick ass parties and “bang some chicks.”  As for his life now?  We better let the Chadster sing that sad refrain.

Chad O’Donnell “It Gets Worse” PSA:

Here are some of Chad’s words of wisdom for all those high school bullies out there:

“I’m 36-years old.  I work part-time at the Sunglass Hut.  I still live at home here with my mom.”

“All my friends, they moved out of Turnersville so I hang out at the Stop-N-Shop right across the street from the high school alot you know.”

“The point I’m trying to make here dudes, enjoy high school man because it gets worse.  Go Tigers!”

That’s so tragic you almost feel pity for the broseph, I mean he couldn’t even sell his trophies on E-Bay. 

If you’re interested in finding out more about the “It Gets Better Project”  I recommend you check out their YouTube page here.  As for the bullies who want to learn more about how “It Gets Worse” you can always pop in that dweeb’s copy of Napoleon Dynamite that you stole years ago.

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