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Florida man shoots up co-worker’s car over Walmart Employee of the Month row

Willie Mitchell Employee of the Month plaque

Florida Walmart associate Willie Mitchell was so fed up over an Employee of the Month situation that he brandished a gun and shot at a co-worker’s car, and no I’m not talking about that crappy Dane Cook movie either!

As CBS4 reports, Willie got into a verbal confrontation with the most recent winner of the employee of the month at the Deerfield Beach Walmart, feeling he was more deserving of the designation. The victim told investigators that during their exchange Mitchell repeatedly said, “I’m gonna show you.”

In true Florida style Willie didn’t use the perceived slight as motivation to work harder but instead decided he’d let his gun do the talking just a few hours later. A witness told the Broward County Sheriff’s Office that Willie parked next to the EotM woman’s car in the parking lot and asked if she was currently working. The witness replied “yes” and minutes later shots were fired.

Surveillance footage shows that Willie rolled down a rear window and fired at the unidentified woman’s ride.

Broward County Sheriff’s Office spokeswoman Veda Coleman-Wright told CBS4 the following, all while keeping a serious tone and straight face (someone get her an award):

“She was announced as the employee of the month which you would think that would be something good, people would be happy for her. But there was one employee who wasn’t happy. Perhaps (Mitchell) wanted to be employee of the month but clearly these actions that we saw in response to this, I think we see why he wasn’t chosen as employee of the month.”

The Office

A rep for Walmart stated that Willie no longer works for the company adding that the employee of the month award is a recognition only, with the designee receiving no money or gifts for the achievement.

HT: Gawker

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