
David Boreanaz extorted after affair with Tiger Woods’ mistress Rachel Uchitel?

David Boreanaz has admitted to People magazine that he has been unfaithful to his wife of nearly nine years, Jaime Bergman. The admission comes after a mistress of his got herself a lawyer and threatened taking the story to the media if he didn’t pay up.

Boreanaz has yet to identify the woman in question, merely stating, “I was associated with a woman who I was involved with and had a relationship with,” Boreanaz tells People. “She asked for money. I felt as though I was being blackmailed or there was some sort of extortion.”

Star Magazine claimed back in October of 2009 that Boreanaz was having an affair with Rachel Uchitel, who nobody knew at the time because The National Enquirer wouldn’t announce her affair with Tiger Woods until nearly a month later. My guess is that she will reveal herself soon in a press conference with Gloria Allred.

David Boreanaz and Rachel Uchitel
‘Bones’ star David Boreanaz and Tiger Woods mistress Rachel Uchitel

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UPDATE: I was right about Gloria Allred, but wrong about Rachel Uchitel. TMZ is reporting that the mistress in question IS NOT Rachel Uchitel but another unidentified woman that had sexual relations with Boreanaz two to three times. He had reportedly made payments to the mistress on numerous occasions, but she continued to ask for more. When it became obvious that the demands for money would continue indefinitely Boreanaz decided to get his lawyer, Marty Singer involved and go public. Now Gloria Allred has stepped in on behalf of the unnamed mistress! From TMZ:

Now Allred says, “My client has not told her story to the press, but now that Mr. Boreanaz is attacking her she has decided to tell the story of their relationship, so that the truth will come out.”

Singer tells TMZ, “On April 23, the woman left a very threatening message that she was going to the media, that my client had not given her enough money … It is true I did leave a message for the woman because of the extortionist threat she left with my client. On Monday, I received a call from Gloria Allred and she told me the woman was looking to get paid at least 6 figures.”

My guess now is that there will soon be a press conference in which the identity of the mystery mistress is revealed and she will go into great detail about all the naughty things she and David did. Should be interesting!

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David, 40, and Jaime, 34, have two children together: 8-year-old son Jaden Rayne and 8-month-old daughter Bardot Vita Boreanaz. David, Jaime and Jaden were in attendance at the Opening Night Gala For Kooza on October 16, 2009:

Photo: Kristian Dowling/Getty Images

The irony in this tail of lechery is that it’s the wife who’s the Playboy model! The buxom blond Jaime Bergman was named “Playboy Playmate of the Month” (link NSFW) in the magazine’s 45th Anniversary Issue in January of 1999 and was named the St. Pauli beer girl the same year! Here’s one of those generic “what were they thinking?!?” pictures of the sexy wife that got cheated on:

Jaime Bergman

I ran across this prophetic interview with the couple from the red carpet in which interviewer Chescaleigh mentions that tons of women are in love with David and tells Jaime, “Okay, so this is your chance to shout out to those ladies and let them know that they do not have a chance.”

And Jaime responds, “That’s Okay, I’ll share the love.”


Wasn’t there a Chappelle’s Show skit about pre-nups for sex? Some Hollywood lawyer needs to look into that and they’ll make millions! Until then, we’ll just keep filing these attempted extortion cases in the “Letterman Files.”

Alright, I got through that without making a single “Bones” joke or typing David Borin’yerazz! (The latter of which could be taken two different ways. Hi-ooooooo!!)

Top Photo: David Boreanaz and wife, actress Jaime Bergman, arrive at the Us Weekly Hot Hollywood Style Issue Event in Hollywood, California on April 22, 2010. (Jason Merritt/Getty Images)
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