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UK woman forced 14-year-old daughter to get pregnant because she wanted another baby


According to a British judge, an American mother living in the UK with three adopted children forced her 14-year-old daughter to become pregnant via sperm she purchased from a Denmark company because she wanted another child and had been denied a fourth adoption.

The teenage girl, who is unnamed, is quoted as saying she participated in the insemination process to win her mother’s love, “If I do this … maybe she will love me more,” but also added that her mother is a “very determined person and she does her best not to let anything get in her way if she wants it.”

The mom also made the girl douche with lemons and vinegar because she thought that would make her have a girl. The judge believes that the girl became pregnant but suffered a miscarriage at 14, and that the mother continued to inseminate her daughter, trying six times before a baby boy was born July 2011 when the girl was 17.

The mother is currently serving a five-year jail sentence for child cruelty, and the children are now in foster care.

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