Beyoncé becomes most-nominated woman in Grammy history

Celebrities leave Harry's Bar, after a private party


It took Beyoncé fourteen years to do what Dolly Parton needed over twice as many to do: namely, log more Grammy award nominations than any woman before her.

When the good people responsible for the Grammy Awards announced this year’s nominations during this week’s broadcast of A Very Grammy Christmas Special, they put Bey over the top. Despite getting shut out of both Record and Song of the Year categories–a decision that caught more than one industry observer by surprise–B-Know nabbed a total of six, which brings her lifetime total to 52.

D-Par, unfortunately, is now the number two woman of all time, with 46 nominations. Which is still very good.

(Quick editorial aside: It’s still hard to believe that A Very Grammy Christmas Special is a real thing, and not a joke from The Colbert Report.)

For those of you keeping score at home, this year Beyoncé will be up for the following awards:

-Album of the Year (for Beyoncé)
-Best R&B Performance (for “Drunk in Love”)
-Best R&B Song (for “Drunk in Love”)
-Best Urban Contemporary Album (for Beyoncé)
-Best Surround Sound Album (one of several dozen really interesting categories that get zero attention)
-Best Music Film (for Beyoncé & Jay-Z: On the Run Tour)

Two more fun Grammy facts: One is that Bey is seventh on the list of most nominations all-time. She’s got a ways to go before catching Quincy “Starla” Jones, who tops the list with 79.

And two is that Alison Krauss has the most Grammy wins for a woman, with 27. Beyoncé’s got 17.

But that will likely change during next year’s ceremony. The Grammys air February 8th, 2015–the same night that AMC premieres Better Call Saul. Get your DVRs ready.



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