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Benjamin Millepied holiday GAP ad

Natalie Portman's husband GAP ad

Each year around November mega clothing chain GAP releases their holiday print ads.  Last year one of the people featured in their campaign was none other than Natalie Portman’s soon-to-be baby-daddy and husband Benjamin Millepied.

The image you see above is the full print ad that ran in many style and fashion publications during the holidays last year.  You probably even flipped by it not even knowing that he was the man that would land Natalie Portman.  The campaign by GAP also featured a video to go along with the print media.  For each person that “liked” the clip via their Facebook pages a dollar was donated to various charities selected by those appearing in the ads.   As you can see choreographer Millepied’s choice was the Baryshnikov Arts Center, “To get the whole world moving together.”

Other quasi-celebrities featured in these ads were Lauren Bush and the founders of Foursquare.

Here is the video that has but the briefest of appearances by Millepied.  His part comes in at the :50 mark:

Just in case that went by you too fast here’s a screen cap from Benjamin’s part:

Natalie Portman's husband Benjamin Millapied GAP Video

I think these ads of the handsome man help us understand why Natalie fell in love.  Well that and the fact that he’s an amazing dancer and renowned choreographer.

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