Damon Feldman says ‘no refunds’ for Farrah Abraham celebrity boxing match, she fires back in true Farrah fashion

Numerous fans who purchased tickets to the highly touted celebrity boxing match featuring Farrah Abraham are asking for refunds now that Farrah Abraham has pulled out of the fight, but ticket buyers are hitting a stone wall with the ticket seller and the promoter.

Celebrity Boxing sent a simple response to ticket buyers requesting refunds via UpcomingEvents.com: “Must contact Farrah Abraham management our legal team advised.”

Celebrity Boxing head Damon Feldman iterated that sentiment with a post on Facebook:

NO REFUNDS…..for Saturday’s event
You must take it up with Farrah Abraham management …Event is Bigger then before

And in a separate Facebook post, Damon wrote:

You must have your attorney contact Farrah Abraham’s management, She was “PAID”upfront and much more to come..No Refunds but you can get it from Farrah she pulled out, for NO reason

As we previously reported, the event page for ticket purchases prior to Farrah being removed from the fight made no mention of the possibility of the fighters changing, but it was later updated to state: “No Refunds. All Sales Final. Fighters subject to change.”

Here are before-and-after screen caps:

Farrah has been made aware of ticket buyers being instructed to contact her management about refunds, and she responded with a cease and desist letter addressed to fight sponsor Michael Mak of Boom Cups which Farrah obviously wrote herself — and much like she planned to do in the ring, she pulled no punches!

Michael your name is Michael Makowski your a disgusting, perverted user who has wrongly used my image on your profiles who daily uses my name to help your career – you pathetic low life scam artist piece of sh*t as I said to you to cease and desist – stop telling people to contact me for refunds your a scam artist fraud send everyone their money back for the event their not getting to watch me your team did not advise cancellation and return funds to those who bought tickets this is a scam! they wanted to see me and your team breached the contracts and did not deliver I will be posting this and here is the messages from people wanting their money back – again your the scum bag who cons people to invest in your fake companies, your a cop stick to being a police officer stop trying to have sex with celebrity women, manipulate them, use them for your companies, steal, your the most disgusting evil, harassing human on this Earth – My lawyer has all your text messages, and phone calls logged you were blocked and continued to use my face, use my image when you were not allowed to, you used my name to lock in things for that you are in the wrong, do not email me, stop harassing me, lieing and trying to hide what you’ve been doing! when your denial perverted fraudulent illagal user self should be in jail, your a criminal stop harassing me!



Cease your damage to my brand, cease using me, cease and return everyone money & cease all breaches immediately

Farrah added an additional Trump-like message on top of the letter:

@michaelmak @celebrityboxing1 @boomcups & all associated are skam artist perverts! I’m done with them harassing me lieing and using my image I hope you all get your tickets refunded bad people!

I think we know how Farrah feels!

Since our last post, the pay-per-view listing for the boxing match on FIRE.TV has been updated and now lists Hoopz vs. Nat D. (However, the poster for the event is still the one with Farrah.) As we previously pointed out, their terms of service is clear about insuring refunds in cases where “the Content was misleading – the description didn’t relate to actual content of the video.” That would certainly seem to be the case for those who purchased the pay-per-view when Farrah was still being billed as the main attraction.

Event organizers have stated that they plan to sue Farrah for “millions” if she didn’t fight, and there will probably be an additional class action lawsuit from ticket buyers looking for refunds, so this debacle will surely continue to play out for months to come. Meanwhile, the fight (aka “The Fyre Festival In The Ring”) between Hoopz and recurring Mob Wives Season 5 cast member Natalie “Nat D” DiDonato is still scheduled to go down this Saturday night at the Showboat Casino in Atlantic City, New Jersey.

Asa Hawks is a writer and editor for Starcasm. You can contact Asa via Twitter, Facebook, or email at starcasmtips(at)yahoo.com

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