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Barry Plath files divorce response, asks for custody and child support from Kim

Welcome To Plathville Kim Plath and Barry Plath divorce update

As Starcasm was the first to report, Welcome To Plathville’s Kim Plath officially filed for divorce from Barry Plath on June 26, 2024.

In her filing, Kim claims “she is entitled to both temporary and permanent primary custody of the minor children.” The minor children she is referencing are Amber Plath (age 15), Cassia Plath (age 13), and Mercy Plath (age 11).

Kim seeking custody was a bit surprising to many fans. It is even more surprising after Kim revealed on the Welcome to Plathville Season 6 Premiere that she is currently living on a 33-foot boat at a marina in Florida.

Kim is also seeking child support from Barry.

Barry Plath files divorce response

Barry Plath filed an answer and counterclaim to Kim Plath’s complaint for divorce on July 16, as first reported by The Sun US.

There isn’t much additional information included in Barry’s filing. He confirms that he and Kim officially separated “on or about December 23, 2021,” which was two-and-a-half years before Kim officially filed.

Just like Kim, Barry asks for custody of the three minor children as well as child support. Also just like Kim, Barry seems to suggest that there are specific reasons for the divorce that may come out later.

Here is an excerpt from Barry’s answer:

Defendant shows that he is entitled to a divorce from the Plaintiff upon the following statutory ground O.C.G.A. 19-5-3 paragraphs 13, with no hope for reconciliation and for other reasons well known to the Plaintiff that will be revealed at the proper time by amendment to this Answer and Counterclaim.

Defendant shows that are three (3) minor children born as an issue of this marriage, to wit: AMBER PLATH, year of birth, 2009, CASSIA PLATH, year of birth, 2011 and MERCY PLATH, year of birth, 2013. The Defendant shows that he should be awarded temporary and permanent custody of the minor children of the parties hereto.

The Defendant shows he is in need of and entitled to temporary and permanent child support for the care and maintenance of the minor children and that the Plaintiff is an able­ bodied female capable of providing such support.

Summary of Barry’s divorce counterclaim

WHEREFORE, Defendant prays:

(a) that he be granted a total divorce from the Plaintiff, that is to say a divorce, a vinculo matrimonii, on the statutory grounds as set forth herein;

(b) that he be awarded temporary and permanent custody of the minor children of the parties,

(c) that he be awarded child support for the minor children of the parties,

(d) that he be awarded an equitable division of marital property and marital debt;

(e) that he be awarded attorney fees for his representation in this matter,

(f) that both he and the Plaintiff be mutually restrained and enjoined from harassing, molesting, and/or bothering the other party in any manner whatsoever;

(g) that he be awarded a jury trial on all issues pertaining to this matter;

(h) that he have such other and further relief as to the Court deems just and proper.

Asa Hawks is a writer and editor for Starcasm. You can contact Asa via Twitter, Facebook, or email at starcasmtips(at)yahoo.com

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