REPORT PHOTOS RHOP Ashley Darby’s husband allegedly cheated with other men
Ashley Darby’s husband was a curiosity to fans throughout RHOP Season 1. The 29-year age gap between Ashley and Michael Darby gave rise to all sorts of allegations–most prominent among them that Michael was secretly gay (or bi-sexual). These allegations first rose to prominence with “Beach Vacation,” the sixth episode of Season 1, after Ashley and the other Housewives spotted Michael at a gay bar.
Nothing else happened at the time, but now, a pair of new reports alleges that Michael has had an affair with another man. And, though the report was initially a bit short on details, a string of explicit photos linked to the allegations has RHOP fans atwitter. Noted gossip blog Fameolous was the first to make the claim, doing so in a pair of eyebrow-raising tweets earlier this week. According to Fameolous, Michael had an “alleged” fling with a “younger black guy” this past October, during a stay in London. However, none of the photos linked to the allegations show Michael’s face, and the one screencap of a text message between the two supposed lovers doesn’t use Michael’s name (or the name of the other man).
Because it contains nudity, we can’t show you the first of the Fameolous tweets; you can see it for yourself by clicking here. Here’s the second of the two:
Alleged text messages between Real House Wives Of Potomac Ashley Darby's husband Michael cheating last month in London. 2/2
— Fameolous (@Fameolous) November 8, 2016
Since then, the man who says he slept with Michael apparently fleshed out his story. The unnamed man claims he spent two days with Michael in his London hotel suite, and had no idea Michael was married until two weeks after the fact, when he happened upon a RHOP rerun on television.
It’s not immediately clear if the anonymous man contacted Michael after finding out he was married, or was given gifts to keep silent before their two days were up.
Neither Ashley nor Michael have responded publicly to the allegations. On the contrary: as the story was breaking, Ashley shared a pair of photos urging her followers to get out and vote:
The Real Housewives Of Potomac Season 2 is expected to air sometime in early 2017.
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(Photo credits: Ashley Darby’s husband via Instagram; h/t to Fameolous)