LINKS! America’s Next Top President; Widespread Anti-Trump Protests; Jizz-Chugging Mom…

America's Next Top President

THE SUPERFICIALSo We Just Elected Our First Reality Star President. Now What?

JEZEBELAcross The Country, Thousands Take The Streets In Anti-Trump Protests

CELEBITCHYCNN’s Van Jones: “This Was A Whitelash Against A Changing Country”

VERY SMART BROTHASYeah, I Voted For Hillary Clinton Today, But #ImWithHer Forever

DLISTEDBrad Pitt Showed His Face For The First Time Since The Fall Of Brangelina

REALITY TEALittle Women LA: Plastic Martyr Confirms Reunion Appearance & Slams Briana

THE BLEMISHMom Chugs Jizz To Stay Young

(Photo credit: America’s Next Top President via

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