EXCLUSIVE Dr. Jenn Mann on new boyfriend, return of The Dr. Jenn Show, Couples Therapy Season 6
2015 looks to be quite the year for Dr. Jenn Mann. In addition to her usual packed schedule that includes being a licensed psychotherapist, sports psychology consultant, television host, author, speaker, radio host, entrepreneur, and mother of twins, Dr. Jenn is also taking on one of humanity’s greatest challenges: a relationship!
We’ve always been a big fan of Dr. Jenn, mostly through her work as host, peace keeper, and relationship guru on VH1’s Couples Therapy with Dr. Jenn, and we were so pleased that she was willing to take time out of her busy schedule to talk about her new man — fellow author, speaker, and entrepreneur Eric Schiffer — as well as the return of The Dr. Jenn Show to SiriusXM (Stars Channel 109) this week and Season 6 of Couples Therapy later this year!

How did you and Eric Schiffer meet? And was it romantic from the beginning, or did that happen later?
Eric and I met at a political fundraiser for Marianne Williamson at our mutual friends’ Lisa Bloom and Braden Pollack’s home. I went to support Lisa and Braden and was curious about Marianne. When I walked into the room, I noticed Eric right away because he is so handsome and has such a strong presence, but he was with a woman so I figured that he wasn’t available.
At the end of the evening I was talking to Lisa about a business issue I was having and she said, “You should really talk to my friend Eric. He has a bunch of successful companies that help with those sort of things.” She introduced us and we made a plan to meet for lunch at the Polo Lounge a couple of days later. We talked business for a while and then we really started to connect on a personal level.
I learned that he had only been on a few dates with the woman he was with that night. He jokes that he fired me as a client right there so that he could take me out. At that lunch he invited me out on a proper date. Eric is a total gentleman and knows how to court a woman in a way that very few men do in this day and age. We developed a very strong connection on so many levels — intellectually, emotionally, philosophically, and on a soul level — early on. Even though we moved slowly, we started going out two or three times a week right away. It was like that John Green quote, we fell in love the way you fall asleep: slowly and then all at once.
— Dr. Jenn Mann (@drjennmann) February 23, 2015
You both seem VERY busy with your various successful projects — is that a big challenge as far as your relationship?
Eric and I are very similar in that we both have multiple businesses, work in media (television and radio) and are writers. We have a deep understanding of one another’s passion for work and for helping people and appreciate each other’s drive and work ethic. We are both really understanding when work makes one of us less available or forces us to travel.
That said, we make our relationship a very high priority. We both consider our connection to be of the utmost importance. Eric has to travel to internationally a lot and it is not uncommon for us to talk five times a day, text throughout the day, email each other pictures and articles and facetime. We both feel an enormous responsibility both to ourselves and the relationship to work on ourselves and to work on being a great partner.
Eric’s willingness to work on himself and to take responsibility has inspired me to take my own self work to the next level and to work my ass off to be a great partner to him on every level. We have both grown so much from being together. That foundation of connection, love, willingness to work on ourselves and making the relationship a high priority makes the time apart and the other commitments less difficult.
And speaking of those other commitments, The Dr. Jenn Show returns this week on a new channel after a brief, and for most fans, completely unexpected hiatus thanks to SiriusXM surprisingly dropping Oprah Radio on January 1st. Did you know SiriusXM was considering dropping Oprah Radio completely, or were you surprised as well?
I knew that the contract was up for renewal and that it was a possibility that they might not renew. I was disappointed when I found out. My biggest concern was where the show would get moved to and making sure that fans were able to stay connected to me during the transition.
The last couple of months have been hard because I wanted to be able to tell my fans where I was going and when the new show would start but wasn’t able to until recently. I have the most amazing supportive fans and I felt terrible when people were feeling anxious about my return and I couldn’t share more information. I am so thrilled that I can talk about it now! The Dr. Jenn Show returns Monday on its new home, SiriusXM Stars Channel 109.
Will there be any major changes to the format? And for those who haven’t tuned in yet, what kind of topics do you cover?
First of all, I am so excited to be on Stars! It is my favorite channel on Sirius XM and I have always wanted to be on it. Right now there are not going to be any major format changes. The thing I love doing most is helping people and doing call-in advice is the most effective and efficient way to do that. We will be talking about EVERYTHING — sex, love, dating, relationships, career, family, parenting, addiction, self esteem, depression, childhood trauma, eating disorders, body image — that people struggle with. I love that people can call me and get free advice every night!
Our readers probably know you best from VH1’s Couples Therapy with Dr. Jenn. It was recently announced that the series will be returning for a sixth season and that producers were looking for suggestions for celebrity couples that might benefit from a stay in the house. Have there been any decisions made?
Yes! VH1 is asking people what celebrity couples they would like to see on season six of the show. All people have to do is tweet at @couplestherapy using the hashtag #couplestherapy and let them know. We are in the process of talking to people now. (Click here to see Starcasm’s top choices for potential Season 6 couples!)
Speaking of Couples Therapy, I won’t ask you to play favorites, but I am curious to know which couple you think benefited the most from being on the show.
When you work that closely with people, you develop a special place in your heart for them. They are like my children. I don’t love one more than the other. When it comes to who got the most out of the experience, I have to say that Nik and Shayne really turned their marriage around in such a dramatic and profound way that they really stand out.
Everyone leaves the set with my cell phone number and they know I will be there for them should they ever need anything. When Shayne almost died I was on the phone and texting with Nik multiple times a day. When he was trying to decide if he was going to view the body of his deceased son, he called me to get my advice. I was so honored to get to be there for them during such a difficult time in their family’s life.
Couples Therapy is not just a show, it is an experience that changes the people who are on it, it helps the viewers in their own relationships and it forms life long bonds between cast members and me. I feel so lucky and honored that VH1 lets me do such a meaningful show.
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Thanks again to Dr. Jenn for not only taking time to answer our questions, but for taking A LOT of time to answer them at length and with candor!
You can listen to (and talk to!) Dr. Jenn Monday through Friday evenings on SiriusXM Stars Channel 109 at 7-9 PM west/10-12 east.
And stay tuned for Couples Therapy Season 6 casting announcements and a premiere date!