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PHOTOS Did Justin Bieber use a wheelchair to cut in line at Disneyland?

Justin Bieber raised some eyebrows when he showed up at Disneyland in a wheelchair last weekend.

Here’s the Canadian pseudo-crooner last Friday, posing with fans from the wheelchair in question:


Bieber 1


Bieber 3

(A rest from all the songs he isn’t singing, you see.)

And here is E! News‘ Ken Baker calling in to “On Air With Ryan Seacrest” this week, to discuss the possible discrepancy between the photos and real life:

Bieber, over the weekend, went to Disneyland with some friends and family. And he went on a bunch of rides, but it just so happens that while he was he was also in a wheelchair the whole time. He was in a good mood, he was taking pictures with his fans… But people, what I’m told, people we’re getting annoyed because they felt like he was using the wheelchair… in order to get to the front of the line on the rides at Disneyland.

Baker may be on to something. Here’s another photo of the diminutive Biebenator taking time out from his crowded schedule to pose with fans, this one from the very next day:


Bieber 4

Something looks…different.

According to TMZ, though, Bieber was simply nursing a knee injury he suffered playing basketball, and that, because of his immense celebrity, Bieber already gets a security escort to help him bypass lines and throngs of people while he gallivants about the park.

What do you think, folks? What would have been the best way for Biebs to let people know he wasn’t faking an injury, and that he doesn’t need a wheelchair to get out of standing in lines in the first place?

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