All of Courtland Rogers’ mug shot photos to date

All of Courtland Rogers mug shot photos

Everyone knows that Teen Mom 2 star Jenelle Evans has had her fair share of run-ins with the law, amassing one of the most impressive collections of mug shot photos in all of celebridom — especially for someone just 22 years of age. (Click here to see all of Jenelle Evans’ mug shot photos collected together.) But, Jenelle’s estranged husband Courtland Rogers seems to be quickly closing the gap in the Mug Shot Photolympics, partly because Jenelle has been doing a good job of staying out of trouble.

The same cannot be said for Courtland, who was just released last week after being charged with felony larceny and a probation violation (among other things) with several more court dates (and probably modeling shoots in front of the Brunswick County Police booking camera as well) on the horizon.

Being the diligent Courtlandophiles that we are, we thought we’d share our entire collection of Courtland Rogers mug shot photos with you (above) which includes the super-collectable Courtland Rogers rookie mug shot from 2010!

Courtland Rogers mugshot rookie card

Actually, Courtland’s first known arrest was in 2004 with another probation violation charge (with jail time) in 2008 (you can read about those here), so technically his true rookie mug shot photo is still out there — a glowing gap on our checklist. Also missing from our collection are a couple of profile mug shot photos from his Brunswick County arrests, so if there’s anybody out there with those, give us a shout!

And speaking of collectable Teen Mom 2 rookie mug shot photos, here’s Jenelle’s from a 2006 arrest after she was arrested for sneaking into Andrew Lewis’ (Jace’s father) window when she was only 15! (That’s according to the caption anyway. The photo originally appeared in a tabloid article – we’re trying to track down a copy of the actual magazine to get a better quality photo.)

Jenelle Evans mug shot rookie card

According to online records Courtland has a scheduled Brunswick County court appearance today for misdemeanor shoplifting, concealment of goods, felony obtaining property under false pretense and felony probation violation — we’ll update if we hear anything about how that went.

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