90 DAY FIANCÉ Shekinah with no makeup and new nose job
90 Day Fiance: The Other Way star Shekinah Garner’s face has been the topic of much discussion among viewers this season, especially when compared to how she looked ten years ago when she appeared on The Millionaire Matchmaker.
Those discussions ramped up over the past week after Shekinah revealed she recently had a nose job and did a live stream getting ready in which her face could be seen without makeup.
“Hi guys!” Shekinah said in a 40-minute Instagram live last week. “It’s like 9:42 AM in Instanbul. I just woke up and I was about to do my makeup, and I was, like, let me go live.”
During the live stream, Shekinah talked about a wide range of topics — including her recent nose job.
I’ve had two previous rhinoplasties and this one was really intense — like, on another level, because they just did so much more than the other doctors did in my previous ones.
I think they really went in and they really made a change for my nose. And the previous rhinoplasties, they didn’t do a whole lot, so my recovery was so easy. Like, I don’t even remember the recoveries of my previous ones very much because they were just so easy.
I feel like I was out and wearing makeup and just like going about my normal life within a few days, and this has been 14 days and I’m just now starting to feel like myself.
Prior to doing the live stream, Shekinah shared a photo of her nose when she still had a bandage. “You changed my life with this new little Barbie nose!” Shekinah captioned the image of her revamped sniffer. “I love it so much .”
Shekinah tagged surgeon Alpaslan Yildirim.
If you’re curious what Shekinah’s latest new nose looks like after healing, she shared this video on Instagram on Sunday:
Shekinah has filler dissolved
In addition to talking about her third nose job during her stream, Shekinah also chatted about other recent changes to her face.
“I don’t have filler in my cheeks any more because I made the decision to dissolve my filler after the show aired,” Shekinah revealed, adding that she didn’t like how her face looked when she saw the episodes.
“I had a lot of filler here,” she continued, indicating both sides of her jaw directly under the edges of her mouth. “It was making my jawline look really wide…so I dissolved it.”
In addition to the jaw filler, Shekinah also did some dissolving higher up on her face. “I kept putting filler under my eyes and it was migrating down into my cheeks, so I dissolved it, and now I look sunken in,” she said.
For reference, here are side-by-side photos of Shekinah when she appeared on The Millionaire Matchmaker in 2013 and this season of 90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way:
Unfortunately, it doesn’t appear Shekinah has her live stream posted anywhere online. If that changes, we will update this article with an embed.
Asa Hawks is a writer and editor for Starcasm. You can contact Asa via Twitter, Facebook, or email at starcasmtips(at)yahoo.com