Category: Shekinah Garner

90 DAY FIANCÉ Shekinah with no makeup and new nose job

90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way star Shekinah Garner did a live stream last week in which she revealed what her bare face looks like before applying her makeup on camera. During the 40-minute video, Shekinah talked about her recent nose job (her 3rd) as well as other recent work she’s had done to her face.

Keep reading to see the photos and get a recap of the highlights from her live stream!

90 Day Fiance Shekinah on Millionaire Matchmaker dating Adam Gaynor from Matchbox 20

90 Day Fiance: The Other Way star Shekinah Garner is no stranger to reality television. The 41-year-old single mom previously appeared on Patti Stanger’s show, The Millionaire Matchmaker!

Keep reading for a recap of Shekinah’s very successful appearance on the show, in which she won over former Matchbox Twenty guitarist, Adam Gaynor.

Also, meet the man she met on the show that she dated for at least three years who wasn’t Adam Gaynor.

PLUS, lots of photos of Shekinah prior to her current obsession with fillers and injectables!