
90 DAY FIANCÉ Did Sam go to jail or get diversion? Exclusive updates!

Did 90 Day Fiance's Sam go to jail or get diversion?

As Starcasm was the first to report, 90 Day Fiancé Season 10 star Sam Wilson was arrested for felony possession of cocaine, felony possession of buprenorphine (Suboxone is a brand name for buprenorphine), and misdemeanor possession of drug paraphernalia on March 27. The cocaine possession charge was later dismissed on June 14.

Sam talked about his arrest on the show and revealed that he missed a filing deadline to qualify for a diversion program and avoid prosecution. As a result, he was unsure if he would be able to avoid going to jail.

Making the potential jail time even more concerning is the fact that Sam didn’t tell his fiancée Citra about it prior to her making the trip from Indonesia to marry him.

Did Sam go to jail?

In our previous article on Sam Wilson’s arrest, we revealed that he was approved for the diversion program on October 10. However, the docket entry stated the court was “awaiting signatures.” Could it be that Sam missed another deadline?

Starcasm can exclusively reveal Sam was officially granted admission to the diversion program by the Court on December 15. According to the Order, a diversionary agreement was executed between the defense and prosecution and the court sustained the State’s oral motion to stay the criminal proceedings.

“After examining all the reports concerning this incident,” The District Attorney’s Office “believes that it is in the best interest of all parties concerned that prosecution of this matter not now proceed, and that the Defendant be diverted from the criminal justice system,” reads the agreement.

From the court order granting diversion:

IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that all proceedings in this case should be stayed until the District Attorney’s Office files a motion to dismiss or to reinstate prosecution, or until further order ofthe Court.

Sam is not out of the woods yet, though. The guidelines, restrictions, and requirements of the diversion agreement are very strict. And “the Defendant understands and agrees that failure to fully complete any of the conditions of the agreement will form a sufficient basis for prosecution to be resumed as outlined in said agreement.” The word “any” is underlined in pen on the document.

Terms of Sam’s diversion

Sam’s diversion program is for a period of 12 months. Below is a bullet point list of just some of the terms of the agreement:

• “The Defendant shall obtain/maintain full-time employment, full-time enrollment in school, or a combination of both requirements for the entire term of this diversion, unless retired or disabled.”

• Sam is required to contact the counseling agency “within 7 days of the signing of this agreement to schedule an evaluation, enroll in counseling/education, and/or any other treatment as may be directed by said counselor…Defendant shall have monthly contact with the counselor as directed by the counselor. Defendant shall participate in all counseling at his/her expense.”

• “If applicable, Alcohol Drug Information School (ADIS) must be completed within 90 days. All other treatment/counseling must be completed within 6 months.”

• “The Defendant shall not consume any alcohol nor ingest any controlled substances during the term of this diversion. The Defendant shall refrain from using any products containing ethanol. The Defendant shall refrain from using marijuana in any form, THC in any form and CBD in any form. The Defendant is solely responsible for knowing what products may contain ethanol, marijuana, THC and CBD. The Defendant shall not knowingly remain at any place where any other person is illegally using a controlled substance. If the Defendant has a valid prescription for a controlled substance, he/she shall provide a copy of the prescription to substance abuse provider within 72 hours.”

• “The Defendant agrees to submit to drug and alcohol testing through breath, blood, saliva, or urine at any time during the diversion term if requested to do so by the District Attorney, Chief of Diversion, Diversion Coordinator, Diversion Case Manager, Judge, Diversion Monitor, Department of Revenue or any Law Enforcement Officer.”

• “The Defendant stipulates that failure to submit to any such test as requested by those listed herein shall cause this diversion agreement to be revoked. The Defendant understands and agrees that a missed test shall be considered a positive test. If the Defendant is unable to provide a sample because of a conflict or an emergency, he/she shall contact the Case Manager immediately. The Defendant agrees that only the Case Manager can excuse a missed test The Defendant agrees the Case Manager has complete discretion in determining what circumstances will justify a missed test.”

• Sam is required to call the testing facility every night to find out if he is required to take a drug test the following day. If Sam is going to be out of town (to film the Tell All in New York City, for example), he has to apply for approval. If approved, he still has to call nightly and test the following day if required.

90 DAY FIANCÉ Sam and Citra wedding photos & exclusive details

Asa Hawks is a writer and editor for Starcasm. You can contact Asa via Twitter, Facebook, or email at starcasmtips(at)yahoo.com

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