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16 & Pregnant’s Nikkole Paulun posts sexual advances from Teen Mom Leah Messer’s ex-husband Corey Simms

Back in the day, after Corey Simms split from Teen Mom Leah Messer, rumors leaked that he and 16 & Pregnant cast member Nikkole Paulun had a tryst. At the time it didn’t amount to much more than innuendo, with Simms dismissing it by claiming that Paulun was harassing him.

In the midst of all that, Paulun caught some serious hate as many fans of the show labeled her a homewrecker, among other not-so-nice things. Even though a lot of time has passed, this obviously still bothered Nikkole as she decided to post a couple of old Skype screen grabs over the weekend in which Corey allegedly propositioned her for sex.

Here they are (with a little bit of censorship). If you want to see the originals, they are still up on Nikkole’s blog.

Corey Simms wants sex with Nikkole Paulun

Twitter followers wanted to know why Nikkole decided to post these screen grabs after so much time had passed. Here was her defense of her actions:

As capped by All the Teen Moms, Nikkole summed it up this way:

All I wanted to do was clear up rumors. Corey wants to sit there and say he deleted all the messages well they are still on my Skype and they get much much worse, even creepy. It was funny at first but then just weird. He’s a good dad but a good person, IDK.

As for Corey’s response, he certainly didn’t deny it was him. But it is important to remember that this was after he and Leah had split.

What do you think about Nikkole posting these grabs?

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