
What’s Going On With Kandi Burruss’s store TAGS?

Kandi Burruss made her debut on Real Housewives of Atlanta last season and made a splash as the only housewife with some sense and some actual money not acquired through her married boyfriend (shocker!). In the off season, she’s endured the death of her fiancee, A.J. Jewell, but appears to have been doing pretty well, accumulating a mass of followers on Twitter and trying her hand out at an online chat show on Ustream. She’s also opened up a clothing store in Smyrna, Georgia called TAGS with her friend, singer Peaches.

Sandra Rose stirred up some nastiness this week announcing that Kandi’s store was going out of business citing the ever-popular anonymous sources:

“Friends say sales of affordable clothing and accessories at TAGS aren’t brisk enough to keep the doors open. This, despite the fact that Kandi Burrus, who is listed as the CEO on the business license, is supposedly the most popular cast member on Real Housewives of Atlanta.

Sandra also alleges that Peaches is upset that Kandi spends more time on Twitter than on the actual business itself. Kandi soon retaliated to the haters (she flies above them, after all) and insisted the store was doing great and had opened an online store.  She also spoke with Rodney Ho at the Atlanta Journal Constitution, and also insisted to him the store was doing well. At the time of this writing, the online store appeared to be fully functional selling items like a “Dang Housewife” tank top and a pair of fugly jeans that look like mud’s been spilled all over them.

Kandi also had to deal with some commenters calling her out on inconsistent store hours and a few report that after they did make it, the store was empty. So, which is it? Is the store doing well or is the store about to close? Only time will tell if this housewife vanity project will pan out successfully.

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