VIDEO Thief tries to throw brick through car window, fails majestically

Car thief brickochet

An aspiring Irish car thief is now a viral sensation after being caught on video attempting to throw a brick through a car window only to have it bounce back and hit him in the face, knocking him out cold. The blockhead’s hilarious brickochet wasn’t his only bungled criminal act that night, however, as he later attempted to blackmail the owner of the car by threatening to tell police his injuries were due to a beating!

Here are two versions of the video, the first containing just the brickochet incident, and the second with the full footage as well as repeated viewings of the moments of impact:

The incident took place outside the Pheasant pub in Drogheda on the east coast of Ireland. The white car in the video belongs to Pheasant pub owner Gerry Brady, who discovered the would-be-car-thief laying unconscious in the street, his face “in ribbons.” Brady’s first thought was that the man had been in the losing in of a rather brutal fight, and Brady’s girlfriend speculated that he might have been involved in a hit and run.

Gerry and his girlfriend attempted to help the injured man, not knowing that he had been attempting to steal his car, and that’s when things went from stupid to stupider for the criminal mastermind.

“He pulled himself up and said he wanted €50 for a taxi,” Gerry tells “I said ‘Not a chance, I’ve to pay for a new window mate”, that’s when he leaned in and told me he’d burn me out of the pub.”

The injured man told Gerry, “I see you, I know you. I’ll burn you out. I’ll tell the [police] you beat me up. I’ll go to my solicitor.”

Gerry and his girlfriend went to a nearby gas station and called police. When they arrived, the man followed through on his threats and tried to convince police that Gerry had attacked him. “He was still telling them that in the station when I came in with the footage of him getting knocked out by his own brick,” Gerry says.

“You should have heard the [police] laughing when they saw the video. They were in stitches. Credit to them, they were straight out when we called and found the guy within minutes.”

How would you rank the heroes in this story? Here are the options:

Car windows
Security video
The Irish Police

I think I may have to go with car windows! While you ponder that question, here’s an animated gif of the brickochet so you can relive the moment for eternity:

Car thief throws brick at a window, gets knowcked out when it bounces back and hits him in the face

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