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VIDEO Nick Gordon served with $10 million domestic abuse charges in Bobbi Kristina lawsuit

Bobbi Kristina Brown, daughter of Whitney Houston, found unconscious in a bathtub


Nick Gordon has been officially served with papers charging him in the long-discussed Bobbi Kristina lawsuit.

The $10 million civil suit, which the Bobbi Kristina estate first announced three weeks ago, charges Gordon with “significant” domestic abuse, and claims that he is responsible for emotional and physical harm to Bobbi Kristina–up to and including the fateful January bathtub incident that has left Bobbi Kristina comatose.

(There has been some confusion about the amount the Bobbi Kristina lawsuit seeks in damages. The figure was initially $10 million; it ballooned to $40 million over the past couple of weeks. Now that the lawsuit is public, it would appear that $10 million is the correct amount.)

The New York Daily News acquired video footage of Gordon being served the papers. The process server approaches Gordon as he exits an Orlando-area Starbucks, Frappuccino in hand. After confirming his identity, a calm Gordon accepts a large manila envelope, while the process server walks away.

“What was that?” asks a curious bystander.

“I have no idea,” says Gordon, who places the envelope on the table without opening it, and immediately pulls out his telephone.



According to the Daily News, the envelope sat on the table and the opposite chair for several minutes while Gordon was on his phone.

Most damning of all in the Bobbi Kristina lawsuit is the implication that Gordon is directly responsible for Bobbi Kristina’s current condition. The papers state that Gordon and Kristina were to meet and discuss their relationship on January 31st, as “Gordon was not the man [Bobbi Kristina] thought he was,” and Bobbi Kristina likely wanted to end their relationship.

Instead, they argued. When “the loud argument ended…Brown was later found unresponsive and unconscious, face down in a bathtub, with her mouth swollen and another tooth knocked out.”

Gordon has spent the past few weeks assembling a legal team to help him combat the coming Bobbi Kristina lawsuit. Most prominent among his retainer is high-profile legal eagle Jose Baez, who is best-known for winning Casey Anthony’s acquittal.

Though no criminal charges have yet been filed in the ongoing case, Gordon remains the prime suspect. The Fulton County Police Department, which has taken over the case from the Roswell PD, has indicated that it may file murder charges, depending on what an eventual autopsy of Bobbi Kristina’s body demonstrates about her injuries and the cause of her death.


(Photo credits: WENN; Nick Gordon, Bobbi Kristina via Facebook)

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