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VIDEO Growing Up With Harry Potter 8-part documentary first look

Emma Watson Daniel Radcliffe Rupert Grint from Growing Up With Harry Potter

When Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows – Part 1 Ultimate Edition is released (presumably) in November part of the package will include portions of an 8-part documentary entitled, Growing Up With Harry Potter.

You will be able to obtain all 8 parts by purchasing all of the different Ultimate Editions that will be packaged for Deathly Hollows 1 & 2. These promotional folks are pretty smart at selling some product to addicted fan bases! The first look at this documentary has been released and it captures the wonderful moment when Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, and Rupert Grint give their first press conference.

We always comment on how these actors have grown up in front of our very eyes and are entrenched as a part of the culture of a certain age group because of the immense popularity of the Harry Potter franchise. This great clip brings that home with a resounding WOW. They’re like Muppet Babies in this!

That is some killer old footage of our young heroes of Hogwarts. Emma was Emma as she told a reporter that she was going to stick her first paycheck into a bank account until she was 21. And I swear every grandmother in the world would want to pinch those cute little cheeks of Daniel’s.

Here’s one more image from the great footage:

Daniel Radcliffe in Harry Potter's first press conference

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