Real Housewives of Beverly Hills’ Carlton Gebbia is a witch

Carlton Gebbia - Witch - Real Housewives of Beverly Hills

Carlton Gebbia seemed pretty likable during her debut on Real Housewives of Beverly Hills last night. But, as the former actress is proud to admit, she’s a real witch.

“It’s my faith,” Carlton told Access Hollywood. “My grandmother was a pagan, I was born into it. It’s very personal and sacred to me.”

Most of us think of witches as the forceful personalities portrayed on American Horror Story: Coven, but Carlton told Parade she has a very “individualized practice.”

“I am a sole-practitioner witch, which means I don’t belong to a coven because when I was a child we had moved around so much, so I didn’t belong to that kind of community. I practice traditions from British Traditional Witchcraft and also from Wicca,” London-born, South African-raised Carlton said. “What it does represent is the empathy for Mother Nature, a respect for our existence and where we live on this planet and what our responsibilities are.”

The Real Housewives of Beverly HIlls - Season 4
^ Carlton and husband David Gebbia, who is a non-practicing Catholic.

Although the mother-of-three is passionate about witchcraft, she wants her children to explore spirituality on their own.

“My girls understand what I believe in and practice. I would never push them to go in my general direction because I want them to decide once they’re old enough to explore different religions and see what calls to them. Whatever fills their souls the way Wicca or witchcraft has filled mine, is something they should gravitate towards.”

Carlton’s religion wasn’t a real topic during last night’s season premiere of Real Housewives, but she hinted to Us Weekly that it will become an issue during later episodes.

“When it did come out, for the most part it was received in a favorable way. Then you have the percentage,” she said, trailing off. “I don’t judge people by their faith, but unfortunately some people are uncomfortable.”

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