VIDEO – Anderson Cooper gets Facebook gay-bashing Arksanas school board member Clint McCance to resign on TV

As a response to several suicides by young gay men in the last few months, a Facebook page was created to promote acceptance and a stand against bullying. In order to show solidarity, it was decided to wear purple on October 20 (many people changed their Facebook and Twitter photos to a purple tint to show their support.) One problem that crept on on the Facebook group, however, was that it got invaded by some pretty vitriolic anti-gay bullies.

Uncloaked by the anonymity that other websites can offer, people, using their real names, expressed viewpoints like “all fags should die.” Among these was Arksanas school board vice president Clint McCance, who wrote:

“They want me to wear purple because five queers committed suicide. The only way I’m wearing for them is if they all commit suicide. I can’t believe the people of this world have gotten this stupid . . .it pisses me off, though, that we make special purple fag day for them. I like that fags can’t procreate. I also enjoy that they often give each other AIDS and die…I would disown my kids they were gay. They will not be welcome at my home or in my vicinity. I will absolutely run them off.”

A later contrite McCance actually called Anderson Cooper and asked to give an interview about his online comments.

When Cooper asked him if she hated gay people so much that he wanted to see them die McCance replied:

“Anderson, I made some very ignorant comments. I did not realize how ignorant they were. I went back and looked over . . . I would never support suicide of any kinds. I don’t support bullying of any kids.”

Later in the interview McCance announced his resignation from the school board, and expressed his wish to be reconsidered to join again in the future if they wanted him back. McCance skirted around apologizing directly for hurting gay youth or teens who are taunted by gay slurs even if they’re not gay, but iterated again and again that he did not support suicide, and that he’s sorry for hurting the families of the young men who died.