
VIDEO 16 and Pregnant’s Maurice makes it rain on Arianna during Reunion

16 and Pregnant Season 5 Reunion Arianna Maurice makes it rain

Tuesday night is the dramatic 16 & Pregnant Season 5 Reunion with Dr. Drew and MTV has shared an amazing preview clip in which Arianna accuses her ex Maurice of being a deadbeat dad and he counters by… making it rain!


Over-the-top theatrics aside, Arianna and Maurice’s situation sparked quite the debate this season with what seems like a majority of people siding with Maurice, at least in as far as him deserving a chance to step up. What do you think?

On a side note, I can’t help but think of The Fault in Our Stars line about infinite spaces when I watch some of these Dr. Drew 16 & Pregnant and Teen Mom Reunion specials because whenever exes sit beside each other on that 6′ couch there’s always miles between them:

16 and Pregnant Reunion couch

And here’s what the same photo looks like through the lens of human perception:

16 and Pregnant Reunion couch emotional distance

You can see Dr. Drew’s physics-defying couch if you have a widescreen emotional HD TV and tune in to the 16 & Pregnant Season 5 Reunion with Dr. Drew on Tuesday at 10/9c on MTV.

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