Verily Magazine encourages ‘unique features’ of women, bans Photoshop
For many publications, Photoshopping images is as instinctive as saying “bless you” when someone sneezes. Despite various campaigns and some public backlash, it’s unlikely Photoshop will lose it’s support from established fashion magazine editors any time soon. That’s where Verily Magazine comes into play…
Unlike the decades-old Vogue and Harper’s Bazaar, Verily Magazine was founded in the digital age. Ironically, Verily has a more old-fashioned editorial philosophy than its more established competitors.
“Verily is a new kind of women’s magazine: one that celebrates the best of who you are. We feature fashion that is worthy of the woman, relationship articles that go beyond sex tips, and strong cultural and lifestyle journalism. Verily is the modern woman’s go-to guide on how to lead a fulfilling, integrated life.”
At the core of the up-and-coming magazine’s mission is that photo editors don’t airbrush.
“Whereas other magazines artificially alter images in Photoshop to achieve the so-called ideal body type or leave a maximum of three wrinkles, Verily never alters the body or face structure of the Verily models.”
It’s pretty refreshing to scan through the stories and see the pictures. Although the models are still super gorgeous, it’s their true beauty taking center stage. And, even without the photo manipulation, the models do as great of — if not better! — job of selling clothes.
In addition to fashion, Verily topics range from relationship issues (“four keys to coping with change”) to challenges for modern-day women (“mompreneuers can have it all with work-life balance”). As contributing editor Ashley Crouch told Daily Caller, they aim to provide holistic coverage.
“Many women’s magazines present a one-dimensional perspective when it comes to women, in terms of being hyper-sexual… (We cover) fashion that is worthy of the woman — and strong cultural and lifestyle journalism.”