Update on Masters winner Phil Mickelson’s wife Amy Mickelson’s breast cancer

Phil Mickelson won the heart of the nation along with the Masters this Sunday, taking the focus off Tiger’s scandalous dalliances, when he ran into the arms of his wife Amy Mikelson, who’s been battling breast cancer since May 2009. Phil’s mother Mary Mickelson also received a breast cancer diagnosis last July.

Cameras were flashing as Phil and Amy tearfully embraced each other while they were no doubt experiencing a joy made sweeter by their devastating year.

Phil’s mother has been able to watch two rounds at the Masters, but Amy was too weak from the medication to venture out from the house the family is renting for the event. She was too weak to take care of their children, so much of the child care responsibility had fallen of Phil, including a trip to the ER to look after his daughter’s hairline fracture. Everyone was surprised, especially Phil Michelson, to see his wife at the final hole. He didn’t even know she was there until he walked off the green after the 18th hole. “I don’t know if we said anything,” he told USA Today. “We just hugged. We just hugged.”

It was a sweet moment, but talk about Amy not being able to leave the house has left many wondering about the state of her health. When she was first diagnosed, the doctors believed that the cancer was caught early. Eleven months later things are still looking good for Amy Mickelson’s recovery from breast cancer. Phil has expressed optimism about Amy’s long-term health:

“We are fortunate long term, but the meds that she’s been taking have been very difficult, and she didn’t feel well and she doesn’t have energy, and she’s just not up for a lot this tournament can provide.”

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