
Teen Mom Amber Portwood to check herself into rehab for anger and depression issues

Amber Portwood from Teen Mom is reportedly checking herself into rehab after failed suicide attempt

It appears as though Teen Mom star Amber Portwood is following in the footsteps of Teen Mom 2 cast member Jenelle Evans and is going to check herself into rehab in California!

Amber made headlines last week after a failed suicide attempt resulted in a trip to the hospital where she was held under watch for 72 hours before being released. Now she is telling Star magazine (via Radar Online) that she plans to address the issues that made her think life wasn’t worth living by seeking professional help:

“I am going to rehab for anger control issues and depression,” Amber, 21, told Star.

“I’m on medication at the moment to just help me relax. I’m in a vulnerable state right now and I know people want a lot of answers.”

The Radar Online article doesn’t give a timeline for Amber’s rehab stint but it does mention that she is seeking psychiatric help in the meantime and Amber credits Leah for helping her through this difficult time saying, “My daughter is keeping me strong.”

We wish Amber the best and I don’t think anyone would argue that this is exactly what she needed to do. She needs to isolate herself from all the drama from fans, Gary and everything else in her life and talk with professionals about how to refocus and be able to deal with reality without getting angry, abusing drugs, getting depressed or being otherwise self-destructive. And given how well Jenelle seems to be doing I think there is reason to be optimistic.

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