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TEEN MOM 2 Javi Marroquin ‘sad’ over Kailyn Lowry bedroom photo


Teen Mom 2 star Kailyn Lowry stirred up some controversy when she Snapchatted herself lying in bed with a man who isn’t the father of her expected baby.

Kail shared the image while she was in Los Angeles for the MTV Movie Awards. There wasn’t anything altogether scandalous about the scene, but that didn’t stop folks from sounding off on Lowry.

Caps via TeenMom Reddit

The man in the pic was identified as Kail’s friend DJ. The two of them each took to Twitter and responded to the backlash passive-aggressively, by retweeting, “Get that hate out of your blood folks.”

Chris Lopez, the father of baby #3, also chimed in when folks started asking if it was him:



Javi Marroquin, Kail’s ex-husband and the father of son Lincoln, told Radar, “It’s just sad. It makes me sad for the boys. I have nothing else to say about her.”

Javi tweeted out…


…after the image surfaced; then he said:



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