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Taylor Armstrong makes it official, files for divorce from Russell Armstrong

Taylor Armstrong and Russell Armstrong file for divorce

Welcome to this week’s cover story for “DUH!” magazine. The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills‘ Taylor Armstrong has finally filed for divorce from husband Russell Armstrong. The filing comes after months and months (that’s decades and decades in television viewers’ years) of “trying to make it work” from the couple who went to relationship school and got an F- in Chemistry.

Taylor released this statement to People magazine:

“It was a difficult decision but I have decided to file for divorce from Russell,” Armstrong tells PEOPLE in an exclusive statement. “Although we have tried our best to work out our differences, I have come to the conclusion that it is in the best interest of our family that we separate.”

“Together we are the proud parents of a sweet and wonderful little girl and she remains my number one priority,” the statement continues. “I am sad for my marriage to come to an end, but am confident that this is the right choice for all involved.”

Taylor Armstrong, 39, and Russell Armstrong, 47, were married in 2005 and have one daughter Kennedy, 5.

The official announcement comes on the heels of Russell’s statement (yes, he can talk!) to OK! in which he said he had moved out of the house and a divorce was probable. In his statement he alluded to the fact that Taylor wanted to be a big television star and he didn’t really want to be on television. In my post on his statement I alluded to the fact that I think Russell didn’t want to be on television because it brought attention to his shady past that includes some nefarious felonious activities. (You can find out all about that in our two-part expose HERE and HERE.)

Need to kill a little more time? Be sure to check out photos of Taylor Armstrong in high school back when her name was… Shana Hughes?


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