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Tamra Barney talks wedding, honeymoon, Alexis, Brooks, Lauri and Gretchen

Eddie Judge Tamra Barney wedding photo

Tamra Barney, er… Tamra Judge got married to her hunky man Eddie Judge this weekend in a lavish ceremony held at the St. Regis Monarch Beach Resort in Dana Point, California. The newlywed bride took to her Bravo blog today and shared some of her thoughts about the ceremony, including wrapping up the post by quoting her bridesmaid Vicki Gunvalson.

Here’s an excerpt in which Tamra talks about her wedding and her upcoming three-part Bravo special Tamra’s OC Wedding:


We are still on am emotional high from our wedding last Saturday. It was an amazing day that we will remember forever. The day was perfect, the sun was shining, not a cloud in the sky and the ocean breeze felt good. We were surrounded by 100 of our closest friends and family members. Sophia was the flower girl and stole everyone’s heart with her emotional embrace. Sidney and Spencer were bridesmaid/groomsmen and it melted my heart to see them walk down the aisle arm in arm. I honestly feel like the luckiest woman in the world. The wedding was elegant, emotional, humorous, and ended with a BIG sparkly surprise.

Mr. Judge I love you with all my heart and I thank you so much for loving me and my children. I am honored to be your wife and take your last name.

Mrs. Tamra Judge! That’s right I am changing my name so Bravo you need to update your website. I cant wait to share my wedding with all the viewers on September 2 on Tamra’s OC Wedding!

As my bridesmaid Vicki would say. . . .WOO-HOO!

If you were like us you may have been under the impression that Vicki was Tamra’s maid of honor, but she clarified on Twitter earlier today: “For everyone that has been asking I did not have a ‘maid of honor’ I had a MAN OF HONOR… my long time friend Ricky Santana.”

Tamra's OC Wedding Tamra Barney wedding photos

Although there were tons of fantastic photos from Tamra’s wedding (You can see lots of them here), none of them can quite compare to this video that Tamra posted a link to today along with the intro, “Sophia & my niece Lauren at our wedding reception. They danced until 1AM:”

Awesome! I think we may have a new Sophia Grace and Rosie!

In addition to talking about her wedding, Tamra also addressed what’s next up for her and Eddie in the blog. “I am off for a mini pre-honeymoon getaway with my husband…I love calling him that!” Tamra writes. “The real honeymoon will be in a few months when we have more time.”

Tamra Barney Eddie Judge wedding photo kissing the bride

Other highlights from Tamra’s blog include her reaching the conclusion that Lauri Peterson has an agenda — and that agenda is to “bring Vicki DOWN.” (Tamra seems to dismiss the claims that Vicki’s boyfriend Brooks Ayers was reportedly cheating on Vicki with a younger porn star.)

Tamra then comes to Lydia’s defense stating that Slade making fun of Lydia’s weight is just another example of him insulting women.

As far as Tamra trying to bury the hatchet with Alexis Bellino, she says “I wanted to get to know Alexis and try and bond on things that we DO have in common and not dwell on the things that we DO NOT have in common.” And on Gretchen not taking the news that Tamra was playing nice with Alexis very well? “Here is the biggest difference between me and Gretchen: I forgive, forget, and move on. I do not hold a grudge like her. People make mistakes, no one is perfect. But, it is very hard to move on with someone when they wont let things go.”

Congratulations again to Tamra and Eddie! And thanks to her for taking the time to write a blog entry when she’s obviously quite occupied right now, as evidenced by this photo Tamra tweeted the day after her wedding along with the caption, “You know it was a good night when you wake up to this on your night stand !

Tamra Barney lingerie hair and eyelashes after wedding night

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