Rihanna reportedly getting treatment for ‘Chris Brown addiction’

Rihanna Chris Brown Rehab

If love is like a drug, then isn’t recovering from a breakup with some time in rehab a natural step? According to a report in Grazia Daily, that’s how Rihanna plans to get over Chris Brown once and for all.

“Rihanna is still desperately in love with Chris,” an inside source told Grazia Daily. “It’s like she’s obsessed with him, and although he’s told her it’s over, she just can’t get over him.”

The friend revealed that Rihanna is considering taking part in a six-week program at The Ranch once her tour wraps later this summer. The specific 12-step curriculum offered by the Tennessee rehabilitation center is designed to help women overcome their love addictions and foster enriched relationships.

“Whether single or working together with a spouse or life partner, these women are encouraged to learn healthy boundaries and begin working toward genuine self-esteem and stable intimacy.”

It’s relatively likely Rihanna was encouraged to pursue relationship rehabilitation by her close friend Katy Perry, who reportedly enlisted the help of a heartbreak coach earlier this year.

Rihanna Katy Perry Friendship

Although the concept of a relationship rehab sound a bit extreme to many people, it really isn’t that drastic when you consider love evokes the same physical reaction as a drug.

“The reason people are so attracted to cocaine is that it activates the area of the brain that makes you feel good,” researcher Dr. Arthur Aron told WebMD. “The same reward area is activated when people are experiencing the intense desire of romantic love.”

Detoxing is also a good way to cleanse the body. Maybe Rihanna just needs to steer clear of Chris for as long as possible… Although that’s easier said than done in the small world that is Hollywood.

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