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Seeking Sister Wife Merrifields open to leaving US, explain selling their house

Dannielle and Garrick Merrifield

Seeking Sister Wife couple Dannielle and Garrick Merrifield are just full of surprises! In addition to secretly giving birth to their third child last year, the couple also put their custom-built polygamous dream home up for sale in January. Now, the Merrifields are considering moving out of the country?!

The potential international relocation news came via the Merrifields’ Instagram live stream last week. The couple were asked several questions about selling their house.

“We are in Colorado still,” Dannielle confirmed. “We have not sold our house yet.” She and Garrick said their real estate agent encouraged them to go ahead and list it, but they were being patient because they know “people don’t usually start buying homes until spring or summer.”

The Merrifields have just welcomed a new child, and they have stated numerous times that they are looking to add multiple wives, so why would they sell the 4,300-square-foot home they custom built to accommodate their lifestyle?

“It is part of our journey as far as, like, living plural is building this house for our family and stuff,” Dannielle admitted. “At the same time, we have a lot of equity in it, so we felt like, you know, it might be the right thing to sell right now. So we’ll see. We’ll see what God does.”

Dannielle also stated Buena Vista has grown over recent years. “We’re just, you know, this area we live in has exploded, and it is just expensive to live here. The cost of living is very high,” Dannielle explained. “We still feel like this is our home home.”

Despite considering Colorado their home base, the Merrifields are open to expanding their empire. “We hope to, maybe, as we add sister wives, and they live in different areas, maybe have homes in different areas in the US. And maybe in the world?” Dannielle said. “We’ll see.”

Merrifields Moving To Brazil?

One viewer asked Garrick and Dannielle why they don’t just move to Brazil. “We thought about moving to another country,” Dannielle admitted.

The mother of three iterated they don’t know where they will end up living if their home sells. “We’re not sure if we’re going to stay in Colorado, or in Buena Vista even,” Dannielle said. “We’re just not sure exactly where God will lead us and take us, and we absolutely just are walking in faith and trusting what he has for our family.”

Later in the stream, Dannielle mentioned again that she and Garrick have considered moving out of the United States. She explained her kids are homeschooled, so that would help make their transition easier.

In addition to being closer to potential attractive young foreign women for Garrick, living in another country could also have additional benefits for him.

Garrick suffers from migraine headaches, and apparently Colorado is not the best place to live for people who get migraines?

“They say you get 50 percent less [migraines] at sea level versus at altitude,” Dannielle revealed in the stream. She asked Garrick for clarification on their elevation in Buena Vista and the number they came up with was 8,700 feet above sea level.

“Garrick has found when we’re on vacation in, like, Mexico, or he’s in Brazil, or different [places] we’ve gone, it’s a lot less migraines,” Dannielle added. “He’ll get headaches, but they don’t get [to be] full-blown migraines — if he even gets a headache.”

Speaking of Garrick and headaches, to see how his wedding plans with potential sister wife Nathalia end up, be sure to tune in for new episodes of Seeking Sister Wife airing Monday nights at 9/8c on TLC.

Below is Garrick and Dannielle’s full Instagram stream:

Asa Hawks is a writer and editor for Starcasm. You can contact Asa via Twitter, Facebook, or email at starcasmtips(at)yahoo.com

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