Tila Tequila baby bump photos, makeupless pic, and inspiring mom-to-be posts
Tila Tequila revealed back in April that she is pregnant with her first child, and since that time the infamously erratic and paranoid former reality star has seemingly developed quite the even keel with her online postings. Along with numerous baby bump pics and the rather stunning makeupless selfie above, Tila has been writing lengthy inspirational posts about how becoming a mother has changed her for the better.
I’ve compiled a few of her postings from the last few months as well as some of her pregnancy photos, including a sonogram posted last week. (I have arranged them chronologically from oldest to newest with dates.)
Dear Baby,
I used to write you letters like this all of the time. I have waited so very long for you to come into my life, and I want you to remember that no matter what people out there say about us just know that you are a gift from God. You saved my life sweet baby! That is more than a miracle, and I love you so very much! Daddy loves you very much too! You are so very special, and never ever let anyone tell you otherwise! Always know this ok? You are my everything!
Love Always,
Hi Everyone! I want to take a moment to thank everyone who has shown me so much love & support! I really do appreciate the positivity, especially for someone who is trying to stay on a new, and clean path in life. I am so very excited about the baby and I do also want to apologize to anyone that I have ever hurt in the past. I hope everyone knows that it was never my intention. What matters now though is that I have changed, and have finally been able to forgive myself. I hope that you can too and allow me to move on with my life. If not, then there is not much I can do about that, but my #1 priority these days is my health, and of course the baby! I’ll be sharing with you all the baby’s first sonogram soon! I’m just over the moon with all of this! I’m officially joining the new Mommy club! xox -Mama Tila
what I have learned in life is that there is no point in getting riled up about other people’s dramas. People will always be people, and haters will be haters. What matters is that you don’t let any one of them get to you. Let it pass like a calming breeze after the storm. Rise above it, don’t let anyone drag you down with them. Whatever problems they have with you that is their problem, not yours. We all have issues in life, but the only thing that matters is that you can accept yourself and move on.
You see this glow in me?
That’s because you’re all I ever see
From day to night, from night to day
I dream of you constantly,
and in my heart forever you’ll stay.
I am your Mommy, yes indeed.
My little baby, my everything.
You set my soul at ease
Chased darkness out of view
Left your desperate spell on me
Say you feel it too
I know you do
I’ve got so much more to give
This can’t die, I yearn to live
Pour yourself all over me
And I’ll cherish every drop here on my knees
I wanna love you forever
And this is all I’m asking of you
10,000 lifetimes together
Is that so much for you to do?
Cause from the moment that I saw your face
And felt the fire in your sweet embrace
I swear I knew.
I’m gonna love you forever-
This is dedicated to the love of my life, my little Angel. Mama loves you sooooo much!
It’s ok to go through hardships in life because that’s what makes you a stronger, and better you! It will give you more experience in areas where other people may not have because they never experienced the hardest of hardships. It builds character, strength, and a deep understanding and appreciation for life! We all have struggles, but what’s important is that you remain true to yourself otherwise you will lose yourself. Be thankful always for what you have even at your worst because it will eventually make you your best! If you’ve made it this far then you are a survivor. There is no shame in being a survivor in this harsh world.
12 weeks, and busting out of my dress! New bumps all over the place! #Glowing #HappyMom
Barely at 3 months and I’m already about to explode!! I wonder how many could be in there? Lol! When I laugh really hard I can feel the baby move! Awwww! ♥ #HappyMom
Being a single Mother is not going to be easy, but I know it’s for the best. I have been able to overcome every single obstacle in life that has ever been thrown at me, and come out of it a better person every time. I don’t believe this situation is any different as I believe that God has a plan for us all. What matters is that God has blessed me with a baby and a chance to start a new life for myself and my child. If the environment was not something healthy for the baby to be around then I believe it was God that was the one who took us away to a safer environment where we will be able to grow, and thrive. Sometimes there are people out there who have grown up in very vicious family cycles, and at one point or another it’s up to the adults to know when to BREAK that cycle once a new baby is brought into this world, and as a mother that is exactly what I must do and will continue to do.
I will break the cycle so that my baby will have a chance at a proper life and I am going to spoil my child with all the love, and support that he could ever imagine! Everything I do will all go to my baby. This brings me the most joy to know that I can spoil him and give him the world! God tells me that everything will be just fine, and whatever other people have to say about me and my unborn baby, that is between them and God at the end of the day. Nor will I badmouth the Father of my child for the sake of my child. Nor do I believe it is classy to go off running your mouth to the media about it. I just do not work that way, but hey I cannot control what other people choose to do or say or what their true intentions are. I just hope that people can rise above their own selfish desires and see that every action they take will effect the baby. With that being said I know I will be a wonderful mother and will protect my baby at all costs from being exposed to any foul play or harm. With that being said I am still the happiest I have ever been in life and I feel very much at peace knowing that God has provided me with everything I ever need for myself, and my baby. ♥
Who says you have to stop being sexy just because you’re a mom? #SexyMoms
Oh my God! Too much junk in my trunk at only 3 months! Eeeeek! #PregnantBooty #HellaThick
Happy baby bump at 13 weeks! Omg soooo huuuge already what’s going on in there? Lol #HappyMom #pregnancy
My natural hair has grown soooo much and it’s so thick! It must be all of the prenatal vitamins, and all of the healthy food I’ve been eating. I must say… I LOVE being pregnant! I’ve never felt this healthy, and happy in my entire life! #Pregnancyglow #Sober #Healthy
MAY 12
The happiest day of my life! Everyday is the happiest day of my life ever since my little Angel has been blessed to be with me. ♥ Smile Mom!!!
Sometimes God puts me through testing times, but I never give up hope. Nothing will ever crush my faith in the Lord and now He has blessed me with even more good news because of it! So happy! Patience is a virtue. #GodisGreat #Blessed
MAY 13
Becoming a winner in life means to be able to adapt in any type of environment, and still come out on top. Always stay focused, confident, sharp, and prepare for any situation that may arise. We must remember that life is like a jungle out there, and there will always be many predators, but if you plan ahead you will always get the upper hand. Having confidence doesn’t always come from having financial wealth. True confidence derives from someone who can attack life at all angles and take charge. Don’t be a victim to your own struggles. Be a leader in control of your destiny!
MAY 15
14 weeks and I couldn’t be happier! The baby is enjoying beach day with mommy! #Happymom
MAY 20
Aww look at my tiny little tot! You can see him sucking his thumb, and his two tiny little feet near the top left! His head is on the bottom right. He’s just happily chillin in there. Awwww! I will find out the sex of the baby around 20 weeks! #ProudMom #happymom ♥
MAY 28
The best revenge is living well. Let the haters hate and talk all their crap. After all, we all know that the only ones who are constantly talking crap about other people are very unhappy with their own lives so they like to stir up drama. I’ll just keep on sipping on this lovely fresh squeezed strawberry lemonade looking fabulous in the sunshine! ♥ #LifeisGood
One of the best things about having your life be exposed to the whole world is that there really isn’t much left you have to hide or feel bad about. Everything just keeps on going up from here! However, most other people would most likely just kneel over and die if even half of their sh!t got put on blast to the public. LOL Life is so great right now my friends.
It keeps getting better and better every single day! Next up? Decorating the nursery! My new “Party Room” where I’ll most likely be spending my time in the future 24/7 breastfeeding and whatnot! LOL
Source: Tila’s Facebook