
Police release statement regarding Amanda Bynes’ arrest allegations

Amanda Bynes wearing a bizarre wig leaves Manhattan Criminal Court and gets in a taxi, where she reads her court date notice.

Amanda Bynes was arrested last week and charged with marijuana possession among other things. According to Amanda, one of the arresting officers “slapped my vagina” during the arrest and because of it, she planned to sue them. Earlier this morning, the NYPD released a statement regarding her accusations.

“Internal Affairs investigators have found no evidence to corroborate Ms. Bynes’ allegations,” the NYPD said in a statement. “To the contrary, a credible civilian witness who was with the officers throughout told investigators that none touched Ms. Bynes inappropriately or otherwise engaged in misconduct at any time.”

Shortly after her release from the slammer, Amanda took to Twitter where she made the shocking accusations against police. “I was sexually harassed by one of the cops the night before last which is who then arrested me. He slapped my vagina. Sexual harassment. Big deal,” she wrote. “The cops were creepy. The cop sexually harassed me, they found no pot on me or bong outside my window.”

Amanda continues to play victim in the arrest as time goes on, insisting that she’s done absolutely nothing wrong. In fact, she claims she doesn’t do drugs and therefore should have never been arrested in the first place. “My lawyer and I are taking this mistake extremely seriously!” she states. “You cannot illegally enter my apartment then take me to mental hospital without any grounds. I have never been so offended in my life. They found nothing criminal on me or around me, one cop then sexually assaulted me, so I’m suing for all of the above!”

Top Photo: WENN.com

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