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PHOTOS Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart kissing on set of Twilight: Breaking Dawn

Edward Cullen and Bella Swan kiss on set of Twilight: Breaking Dawn in Rio de Janeiro

Judging from these steamy photos from the set of Twilight: Breaking Dawn blood isn’t the only thing vampires like to suck! Apparently Edward Cullen likes to suck face as well!

Heartthrobert Pattinson’s character Edward can be seen on the streets of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Sunday getting his smooch on with on-screen and off-screen girlfriend Kristen Stewart, who plays Bella Swan in the immensely popular Twilight Saga film series.

Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart kiss on set of Twilight: Breaking Dawn in Rio de Janeiro

According to reports the couple held hands and joked between takes and while talking to the director. Also of note is the fact that Kristen Stewart (or is it Bella Swan? Or both?) was sporting a huge sparkly ring on her engagement ring finger as the couple walked down the streets of Rio!

Is this Kristen Stewart's egagement ring?

Are Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart engaged?!? Are Edward Cullen and Bella Swan engaged?!? Are all four engaged?!?

UPDATE – I have been made aware by those more in the Twilight know than myself that this is a honeymoon scene after Edward and Bella tie the knot in the film – so that would explain the ring!

Photos: SplashNews.com

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