PHOTOS Extra’s Maria Menounos in New York Giants bikini in Times Square after losing Super Bowl bet

Maria Menounos bikini

For all the broken-hearted New England Patriots fans out there today there is at least one silver lining from last night’s Super Bowl victory by the New York Giants – Extra host (and starcasm babe fave) Maria Menounos was forced to honor her pro-Patriots wager with co-stars Mario Lopez and AJ by wearing a bikini in Times Square after the loss. (Click above photo to enlarge)

And Maria took her concession the extra mile by wearing a New Yorks Giants colored red, white and blue two-piece that left little to the imagination. So dry your eyes Patriots fans – at least long enough to drive the 96 yards of yum that is Maria Menounos:

Maria Menounos wears a New York Giants bikini in Times Square ater Super Bowl bet

Seeing these photos makes me think Maria needs to launch her own brand of diet baked desserts because it seems obvious to me her humble pie must have had zero calories.

(I’m just glad Al Roker is a Giants fan!)

Photos: Mejia / Asadorian / Splash News

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