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PHOTOS Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra baby shower

Ty and Cate BS

Yesterday was a special time in Catelynn and Tyler’s journey to parenthood: their baby shower.

Unlike with their first pregnancy, the couple is preparing much differently for the arrival of Baby “V”. Family and friends gathered to celebrate by enjoying yummy food, admiring the pink and purple decorations, and showering Cate and Ty with tons of gifts.

Baby Shower

Also in attendance was Dawn Baker, Catelynn and Tyler’s adoption counselor. Dawn captioned this picture by saying, “My biggest blessing of the day was praying over this mama to be at her baby shower.”

Cate and Dawn

Catelynn looked happy has ever posing with Dawn and wearing a tiara that proudly said, “Mommy to Be.”

The couple, who are registered at Buy Buy Baby and Babies-R-Us, walked away with some pretty awesome gifts including the much needed Daddy Diaper Duty Survial Kit! Doesn’t Tyler look excited with the thought of changing dirty diapers?!

Tyler BS

Catelynn thanked everyone by saying, “Baby shower thank u to everyone that came and my family that put this all together!”

The couple sure has a lot to be thankful for. Less than two weeks ago, they reunited with oldest daughter Carly and now they are celebrating their baby shower. We can only hope the MTV cameras are rolling come January when Baby V finally arrives!



PHOTOS: Instagram and Twitter

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