NFL wide receiver Josh Gordon facing year-long suspension after latest arrest

Josh Gordon, after being booked into the Wake County Jail on Saturday.
Josh Gordon, after being booked into the Wake County Jail on Saturday.


Cleveland Browns wide receiver Josh Gordon, already at risk of a year-long suspension because of a violation of the NFL’s drug policy this past may, was arrested for driving under the influence this weekend.

Gordon, 23, was booked outside of Raleigh at four o’ clock Saturday morning. He will be charged with a DUI and with speeding, as he was traveling 50 miles per hour in a 35 mile-per-hour zone.

Gordon was one of the NFL’s top wide receivers in 2013. He led the league in total yards with 1,646, and snared nine touchdown passes for the Browns’ anemic offense.

The impressive numbers came despite Gordon missing the first two games of the season for his first violation of the NFL’s substance abuse policy.

Any second violation of that policy can result in a suspension of up to one year. Gordon’s case is set to be heard by the league in late July.

Insider speculation has raised the possibility that the full suspension would be essentially the end of Gordon’s career. Though his is “a world-class talent,” NFL teams are increasingly unlikely to tolerate behavior that limits or eliminates playing time, no matter how talented a player may be.


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