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TEEN MOM Alleged victim of Nathan Griffith assault was girlfriend Victoria, not wife Mayra

Full Nathan Griffith arrest report reveals the victim was girlfriend Victoria, not wife Mayra

Former Teen Mom 2 dad Nathan Griffith was arrested on Friday and charged with a felony count of domestic battery by strangulation. Many assumed the alleged victim was Nathan’s wife, Mayra Oyola. However, the probable cause affidavit reveals that the alleged victim was Nathan’s new girlfriend, a 32-year-old woman named Victoria.

TMZ previously shared some of the details from the arrest, and we will include the arresting officer’s narrative in its entirety below.

Nathan called his brother-in-law William, who lives in Las Vegas, and allegedly told him during a video call that he had “lost it” and choked his girlfriend Victoria. “William claimed Nathan stated he drug her up the stairs,” the affidavit reads. “Nathan then hung up the phone, and wasn’t answering. William texted Victoria if she was OK, who replied, ‘no.'”

William called Delray Police and reported the incident. Police arrived on the scene and described Nathan as “uncooperative.”

Nathan said he and Victoria had just had sex and she was fine. He also told police that William “is on drugs and is not a reliable source of information.”

Nathan had scratches on his neck and back, and when police spoke with Victoria she appeared to have recently been crying. Initially, Victoria was reluctant to say anything about the altercation, but she later stated that Nathan had been physically aggressive with her, and at some point she “blacked out.”

The officer on the scene observed “approximately inch thick bruising starting to appear on her neck (all the way around)” and “bruising under her jaw line consistent with being strangled and someone pressing their thumbs inward to add pressure.”

At one point, Victoria shouted to the officers: “I’m 100 some pounds and he’s 250 how in the hell am I supposed to get him off of me.”

The probable cause affidavit states that officers were called to the same address a couple hours earlier for a “domestic disturbance.” The filing does not include any information about the prior incident, other than the claim that “Victoria did not have any bruising around the neck area” at that time.

The affidavit does acknowledge that Nathan has a prior history of domestic violence. Under “Alcohol and Drugs Involved,” the officer checked the box for “Yes.”

Nathan was released on Saturday, the day after his arrest. There is currently a no contact order in place stating that Nathan can have no contact with Victoria until the case is closed, or until there is another court ruling allowing contact.

“The Defendant may return to the residence where the above-listed person(s) resides for the purpose of removing the Defendant’s PERSONAL EFFECTS ONLY,” the order reads. “And then only in the presence of a uniformed law enforcement officer and on ONE occasion only.”

Who is Nathan’s girlfriend Victoria?

Victoria is a 32-year-old mother of two young boys aged 3 and 5. The police report did not mention the presence of any children at the scene. Victoria has suffered a couple tragedies involving adults close to her in recent years, and has also had some legal issues of her own in the past six months.

It’s unclear how long Nathan and Victoria have been dating, but they both listed the same address in the police report.

The most recent social media photos of Nathan and his wife Mayra together were taken on the couple’s trip to Las Vegas and Los Angeles in late November and early December of last year.

Nathan’s marital status is listed as “S” on the affidavit, which I assume is “single.” I did a quick check to see if I could find a divorce filling, but had no luck. That doesn’t mean there isn’t one.

Teen Mom 2 Jenelle Evans ex Nathan Griffith mug shot photos as of 2023

Full Nathan Griffith Arrest Report Narrative

On February 24, 2023 at approximately 0108 hours I responded to [REDACTED] Cir in reference to a domestic disturbance. The complainant identified as William [REDACTED] was currently in Las Vegas Nevada and had spoken to his brother-in-law Nathan Griffith a few moments prior to calling Delray Beach Police.

William stated the following sworn statement over the phone: Nathan video chatted him and was speaking to him about his mental state. William advised that Nathan suffers from PTSD and stated Nathan called to tell him about the domestic incident. William stated Nathan advised “he lost it” and choked his girlfriend Victoria [REDACTED]. William claimed Nathan stated he drug her up the stairs. Nathan then hung up the phone, and wasn’t answering. William texted Victoria if she was ok who replied “no.”

I arrived on scene and made contact with Nathan who was uncooperative. Nathan stated that he just had sex with Victoria and that they were fine. Nathan claimed that William is on drugs and is not a reliable source of information. Nathan had several scratches on his neck (front right) and his back. Nathan stated all of the scratches came from intercourse with Victoria, and that he never became physically violent with her.

I then made contact with Victoria who appeared that she had been recently crying. Victoria had watery red eyes and was visibly upset. Victoria initially was not cooperative when I asked her any questions referring to physical violence.

Ofc Weot spoke with Victoria who stated the following in summary: Victoria was upstairs when Nathan entered the room and became physically aggressive with her. Victoria stated she couldn’t specifically tell officers what happened in the scuffle, but she stated she “blacked out.” When officers questioned if “blacking out” meant she was choked unconscious Victoria [would] walk away and become uncooperative. Victoria then shouted “I’m 100 some pounds and he’s 250 how in the hell am I supposed to get him off of me.”

While on scene I observed Victoria had approximately inch thick bruising starting to appear on her neck (all the way around). Victoria was wearing several necklaces which would together be close to the thickness of the bruising if they were used to choke her. Victoria also had bruising under her jaw line consistent with being strangled and someone pressing their thumbs inward to add pressure. It should be noted that officers were at this location for a domestic disturbance at around 2012 hours reference DBPD case 23-[REDACTED]. At that time Victoria did not have any bruising around the neck area.

Based on the aforementioned Nathan Griffith is charged with one count of Domestic Battery by Strangulation pursuant to P.S.S. 784.041(2) (A).

Asa Hawks is a writer and editor for Starcasm. You can contact Asa via Twitter, Facebook, or email at starcasmtips(at)yahoo.com

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